The Clique

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Lunch time had came and Tyler led Raidyn to the round table where Josh, and Mark were already sitting. Tyler slid into one of the two empty benches at the table, setting his lunch on the table.

With a grin on his features Tyler motioned to Raidyn who seemed to be slightly uncomfortable with the new surroundings. Or maybe it was because Tyler slid over to Josh and put an arm around what she would presume to be his boyfriend. She'd have to ask. Just not yet. "Guys, this is Raidyn. She just moved here." Pointing to Mark and Josh he continued, "Raidyn, that's Josh and that's Mark."

Both Josh and Mark greeted her with friendly smiles and Tyler slid back into the middle of his section of the table before starting it eat. That's when Josh chirped, "What class do you have after this?"

Raidyn reached into her pocket, unfolding her schedule before passing it to the teen with the bright blue hair. He took it with a nod before reading the contents out loud. "Algebra 2, English, Chemistry, Study Hall, Lunch, Health, Art, and Band. That's so sick, I have Health and Band with you. Mark is in your art class, and Tyler is in Health as well." A confirming nod was gestured by both of the males. Josh then continued, "You're locker is 2948?"

"I guess.." Raidyn said, shrugging. She still hardly knew how to get around.

It was to much relief for her when Tyler stated, "Your locker is next to mine. Very nice." He then shot his attention to the boys, "I'm still driving you both, yeah?"

Mark blinked in confusion, "I sure as hell hope so. I'm ready to do that tie breaker at Mario Kart." His statement was followed by a wink. "I'm sure to win."

Raidyn was positive there was some sort of three way thing going on between all of them. Either that or Mark was the try-hard third wheel.

"Wanna join us?" Tyler asked, his attention adverting over to Raidyn who seemed to shoot back to reality.

"Are you um... Are you sure I won't be um... interrupting?" Her brows raised slightly with a look of concern but the guys just looked confused. Pointing to Tyler and Josh she asked in a hushed volume, "You two are um.. a thing.. right?"

Everyone got silent. But the guys broke the ice by breaking out in laughter. "No, we're definitely straight. We've just been best friends since first grade. Mark joined in our clique in sixth grade. That's why the three of us are so close. Plus I wouldn't date Dog Breath, he's too much like a brother to me."

"Plus Tyler's not my type," Josh added.

Mark had to butt in. "Josh is my boyfriend. Siri knows." His words caused Tyler to laugh so hard his head was thrown back and he was clapping. Josh got a shocked expression before punching Mark in the arm. Raidyn couldn't help but burst into laughter as well.

Once Raidyn was composed enough to speak she spoke softly, "Well, I'll definitely be there then."

The hinges of Ty's lips curled upwards to expose his flawed smile as he said, "Sounds great. I can meet you by your locker after school. We'll all take my car back to my place."

piløts at best ➵ twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now