Øde Tø Sleep

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Tyler decided to skip the next day of school since he didn't fall asleep until five in the morning.

Waking up late he responded to a few text messages and before long he got one from his dad.

Dad: What type of dog?

Tyler: German Shepherd.

Dad: Name?

Tyler: Will get back to you on that.

Dad: k.

That reminded Tyler to check the whole 'Get a dog' thing off the goals checklist. He then went to work with his puppy.

Getting the puppy from his crate in the laundry room Ty cleaned up any messes before taking him into his room. Once there he closed the door and grabbed a toy that he could already tell the dog was in favor of. "I still need a name for you," he mumbled more-so to himself. "Malakai. That's the name dad and I agreed on!"

It took hours but eventually the dog not only knew his name, but would let Tyler pet him for a moment or two. Of course as a reward Tyler would throw his toy for him. Tyler also took him for a short walk, though, he wasn't the best on a leash yet. Tyler was certain that he'd be able to learn soon enough.

Realizing he forgot to eat all day Tyler ended up eating a bowl of cereal at nine for dinner. He shot his dad a text saying, 'Named him Malakai'. He never did get a response to the text.

Being that Malakai ate and went to the bathroom outside Tyler put him in his crate then went to bed.


It was time for school again. While getting ready Tyler questioned just skipping today. He figured he couldn't do that because he skipped school the day before. Dastardly public school.

Once he was done getting ready Tyler fed Malakai, let him out, played with him a little, then put him in his crate and took off for school. The day went by agonizingly slow.

During study hall Raidyn hardly acknowledged Tyler once more. She listened to music and read some book by John Green. He didn't see the name. Walking slowly to lunch he didn't see getting there a few minutes late as a bad idea since Raidyn's behavior made him question whether Josh would end up talking to him today despite the fact they made up.

This proved to be a bad idea when a certain jock approached, reminding Tyler of the reason he rushes to all of his classes when he's alone.

"Hey, momma's boy."

The nick name made Tyler's skin crawl. He became visibly tense. "Hello, Brad," Ty murmured.

"Oh come on, don't look so tense. We're friends. Right, Joseph? Or did your daddy tell you you're not allowed to be my friend." Brad made a mock pout to accentuate his words.

Tyler's teeth gritted against each other as decided not to say anything.

"Did you hear me, Joseph?"

Silence is the best option.


Apparently it actually wasn't because with one swift slide of Brad's foot Tyler's legs came out from underneath him. But this wasn't enough. That quick-reflexed asshat grabbed Tyler by the back of his shirt and shoved him into a locker, assuring he was lifted just enough that his feet couldn't touch the ground. The main problem with this was that the collar of his hoody was being yanked into his throat without ease.

Attempting to pry the collar from his throat Tyler wasn't focused on Brad at all. Or he wasn't until a swift fist connected his side.

The next thing Tyler remembered he was on the floor in fetal position. Hit after hit wailing down on him. Each one more powerful than the last. Tyler couldn't even get a scream out and he wasn't sure if he cried. He did eventually black out.

piløts at best ➵ twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now