Try Tø Think

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When Tyler finally arrived home he was full of frustration. This was his fault. If he didn't kiss her he and Josh would still be best friends and him and Raidyn would be friends but now they are ignoring him. Were they all even friends anymore? He was so confused.

Grabbing his keys he exited the car and walked up to his house. He figured he'd finally try to get a hold of his dad considering he should be sober.

Setting his stuff beside the door Tyler went and sat down on the couch before pulling out his phone. Going to his contacts he clicked on his dad and hit call. After a few rings it went to voicemail. Of course. When the beep came on Ty said, "Hey dad, it's Tyler. I was just checking up on you to see how you're doing since I haven't seen you in a few days. Give me a call, thanks." pressing end with a sigh he set his phone next to him.

He began rubbing his temples and shaking his head. All the stress was getting to him and the voices were coming through faintly. To block them out he put ear buds in then started his music. Today was not the day because he would be easy to push over the edge. Maybe he should do something? Just to keep him preoccupied since he still had a whole day ahead of him.

Jumping up he went to the fridge and read the goal checklist out loud. "Go to AA for a month straight. Graduate AA." Those had been on there for years. "Get a dog." that wasn't a bad idea? His dad loved dogs but never had the time to get one. With the money Tyler had made at work he was able to afford one if he really wanted to. That's probably the only thing Tyler could do that wouldn't make his dad upset.

Heading out to his car he started it up again. Plugging his phone into the aux cord he turned it up loud before pulling out and driving down the street. He then got a call. Stopping at a stop sign he checked it. His screen read the word 'Dad'. Biting his lip he rounded the corner before pulling his car to the side of the road and parking. Pressing answer he softly said the word, "Hello?"

But it wasn't his dad who answered. It was a woman. Her voice caused Tyler's skin to crawl. "Who's this?" Her voice was scratchy as if she'd been smoking all her life.

"It's uhm.. Tyler.. I was checking to see if there was a man named Robert there... Robert Joseph."

There was a bit of rustling over the phone then the same lady said, "He's not here." This caused Tyler's brow to furrow but it wasn't worth arguing with her.

"Just tell him Tyler'a getting a dog." After he said that he quickly hung up before turning his music back on so it would be even louder this time.

Resuming driving his fingers tapped idly against the steering wheel as he forced himself to mentally sing along to the song as a distraction.

It took approximately ten minutes before he got to the animal shelter since there wasn't one particularly close to his house but it was close enough. When he arrived there he was quick to head inside. A woman at the front desk greeted him with a genuine smile which caused him to smile back despite his mood. She then asked, "What can I assist you with, sir?"

"Uh, I came to see what dogs you guys have."

She turned in her rolling chair to point to a door, "Dogs are that way and the cat door is just across from that if you'd like to look in there too."

"Thank you for the help," Tyler chirped before moving to the dog door.

When he made it inside he was greeted by barking immediately. Instantly he began to make his way down the walk way. There were many different types of dogs that greeted him but he was forced to come to a halt when he reached the kennel with what was recognizably a German Shepherd in it. The dog was young, nine weeks to be exact. On the chart that had the dog's description it stated that the dog was a male. And he didn't have a name yet since he was newer to the shelter. He had apparently arrived after being abused then abandoned by his previous family. The only noticeable problem with the dog was that he was obviously shy by the way he was cowered in the corner. This caused Tyler to grow an exceptionally large level of sympathy and interest being that he could relate to the canine. Ty knew that was the dog he wanted.

He did look around a little, more-so out of curiosity considering his mind was set on the Shepherd. When he finished he decided to check out the cat room. There were so many cats. The way his mind was working was that maybe as a peace treaty he could get Josh a kitten? He'd wanted one for as long as Tyler could remember. As he moved along the cages Tyler stopped when he came to a small orange cat with blue eyes. It caught his attention because it was cross eyed. Tyler started reading the description and learned it came from the same case as the dog he was going to get. The kitten was the same age as the puppy too. He couldn't resist this opportunity.

Heading back out to the front desk he spoke to the woman before being handed paperwork in exchange for the adoption fee. When he finished she checked it all into the system then went and received both the animals. The dog came with a cheap nylon leash, the kitten he had to carry. Situating them both in the back seat he took roads that he could drive slowly in on his way home, only stopping at the pet store to get pet supplies which he attracted a lot of attention in the store considering he was walking around with a puppy and a kitten.

Arriving home he brought them both inside then grabbed the supplies from the car. Carrying everything to his room he sighed and sat on the ground with the fuzzy creatures. Both animals seemed extremely excited to see each other again but their interest in Tyler was slim. If he moved towards them his dog would cower, hide, or whine. This would be a challenge.

Grabbing his phone he shot Josh a text, 'I need to talk to you.'

piløts at best ➵ twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now