Chapter Three

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A/N: Surprised by how many requests this new book has received, I figured it might have to do with the fact that it is new and not much is known about it. I appreciate all the support you've provided so far.

If you are still puzzled, the answer is yes, Jimin is Jin's son. He is widely known as Jin's brother for reasons that are yet to be revealed. As you can see from the second chapter, they have a very unhealthy relationship.


Jungkook was grateful to Mia for finding his phone in her school bag. He had given it to her to hold, and she had placed it there while they were on their way home from the supermarket. He had very little time to charge it but got it up from twenty percent to thirty-five percent.

In the walk with Mia to her school, he used his portable charger to charge it a bit more since he would need it throughout the day and had no plans to return home before it was time for him to pick up Mia.

He noticed he had missed numerous calls from his friend Namjoon but would wait until he had dropped Mia off at school to contact him. He didn't like talking on the phone during their walk because it distracted him from being attentive to his daughter, who usually had stories to tell him that she had forgotten to share the evening before.

"What do you want daddy to make for dinner today?"

While holding her dad's hand and swinging as they walked, Mia looked up at him, "cup noodle."

"Are you sure? I can make us some of the chicken I got yesterday."

Mia thought about it, "okay, are you going to make it with rice?"

"I could, or we could have lettuce wraps if you want."

"Lettuce wraps, but with the sauce you make!" Her response was a happy response, as she loved the chicken and lettuce wraps her dad usually made.

Her cuteness made Jungkook smile, "lettuce wraps with daddy's special sauce, I'll make that."

As they walked to Mia's school, Jungkook noticed that Mia held on to his hand tightly. This kept him smiling. Every moment spent with his daughter was cherished by him, and he couldn't wait for the day he could give her more. For to him, she deserved the world.

When they got to her school, Jungkook brought her to her class, bid her goodbye, and then waited for a moment to talk to her teacher, who was always delighted to see him.

The moment Mrs. Joy saw Jungkook, she had a bright smile spread across her face, and she went over to him, pulling him into a motherly hug, "how are you this morning?"

Jungkook returned her hug before pulling out of her embrace, "doing okay, tired, but still going. How are you?"

Mrs. Joy sighed, staring at the young man before her, then she glanced into her classroom at Mia, who was organizing her desk with school supplies that she would need throughout the morning. "Now that Mia is here, doing great. She is so cheerful in the mornings; it lifts my spirit."

Jungkook smiled, "I am happy to hear that. Listen, I don't want to be a bother, but she didn't come with any snack today-"

"Do not worry about it, and you are never a bother, I got."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Joy. One day, I promise to repay you for this."

"Son, I don't need any repayment other than you make sure you continue living and breathing to take care of her."

Hearing her calling him son made Jungkook smile. He wished it was so, "I will never give up, not while I have her."

"Good, now take this and get yourself something nice to eat for lunch." Mrs. Joy said while taking money from her pocket, which she had kept on reserve for Jungkook placing it into his hands.

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