Chapter Nine

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Jungkook looked around to ensure no one was listening or looking in his and Jimin direction, "how old are you again?"

"I am sixteen," Jimin responded boldly.

"If you are afraid to go on your own, you might want to speak with your parents about it and ask them to accompany you. I'm sorry, but I cannot take you to get something like that. I know it's not the right place to say this, but as a youngster, focus on your studies and don't focus on those things. Grow up first, and you aren't missing out on anything."

Jungkook hoped Jimin would listen to him. While he wishes he had had someone in his life who could have delivered this kind of advice to him when he was young, he wouldn't have Mia, and without her in his life, he would have made a mistake. He owed it to her for keeping him going on the days when he wanted to give up.

"But what if he doesn't want to wait, and all my friends have already done it. It makes me feel like an outcast when they talk about their experience, and I have nothing to add. Do you know how they make fun of me, saying I am going to die a virgin?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and looked at Jimin. "Is this what teenagers are focused on nowadays?" he asked. "Someone who you are dating that can't wait until you are ready isn't someone you should be dating. In addition, what harm would there be if you died a virgin? My words will not be welcomed, but you should find new friends."

Jimin stared at Jungkook but said nothing as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, pondering a thought, "maybe you are right, but I have this one friend who knows a secret of mine, and I am afraid if I stop being their friend, they will share my secret with everyone."

"If they are truly your friend, they won't share information that you trusted them with, even if you don't hang out anymore." Jungkook told Jimin honestly, "If you stop being their friend and let out your secret, they weren't sincere to you in the first place. Is the secret so bad that you will take offense if it's discovered?"

"W-well, it sort of will change a lot for me, and I don't want that. When I stumbled upon this, a lot changed around me after I discovered I wasn't even supposed to find out about it myself. Things I didn't even know were going to change. Although I sometimes wish I hadn't taken that stupid test, anyway, thank you for saying these things to me. That's a lot to think about -- no one talks to me and gives me advice like this. The first time I saw you, Jungkook, you didn't seem quite so smart, but every time I talk with you, I feel better. While my brother might not be fond of you as his driver, I am glad you're mine."

A chuckle left Jungkook, and he shook his head, "you are a character, you know that? But seriously, I think you know by now I am not just a driver for you, and you can talk to me, I will listen, besides you are allowing me to see what I might have to deal with in the future when it comes to Mia. Also, that secret you have, I hope it never comes out to anyone you don't want it to; you seem troubled by it."

Jimin nodded, "trust me, you've got no idea. My life seems to be a lie sometimes, and everyone around me wants me to be okay and act as though everything is fine. There is no one who will listen to me, and that kind of stinks, as growing up, I wondered why someone hated me. No matter what I did, they were always annoyed with me and then learned the reason. I am sorry, I know I am rambling nonsense; let's get back to your shopping. I know I have already taken up a lot of your time."

With Jimin's sad expression, Jungkook wanted to inquire more, but he wouldn't because he had learned with Jimin that when he wanted to say something, he said it, and so he smiled at him. "Did you know there's a place next door that serves ice cream?"


"Yes, I can treat you if you want?"

"No, I'll do it because you always make me lunch, so I'll buy ice cream."

Jungkook shook his head. "Nah, let me do it. You are already like my little brother; it would be wrong to make you pay for it."

Jimin smiled brightly, "little brother? I like that, hyung."


"So, what's your name?" Mia sat in front of Jin, playing with the tablet Namjoon had given her.

Jin's gaze was on her; he was still puzzled by how long it took Hoseok to give his baby to Namjoon and where he disappeared for so long, leaving him with a stranger's child.

"My name is Mia." She smiled at him, making him smile as well, adoring her sweet smile.

"You are adorable, and Mia is a beautiful name. I am Jin."

Mia smiled even wider, "thank you, Jin is a pretty name too. You are very handsome."

Jin laughs, "you are too sweet, but thank you. You are beautiful, but I am sure you already know that."

Nodding, Mia moved closer to Jin, "can I sit next to you?"

After looking at her, he looked around, adjusting himself on the chair, and nodded, "sure."

"I am told I am beautiful by my dad every day. My father told me I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, but I know he only tells me this because I'm his daughter."

Jin stared at her, amazed, "Wait, how old are you?"

"I am seven," Mia said, showing Jin seven fingers.

"Wow, you are very smart for a seven-year-old."

"Everyone says that, but it's because my dad is always teaching me a lot."

"What about your mom or appa? Do they teach you too?"

Mia shook her head, "I only have a dad."

Jin could see she had become upset by his question, "I'm sorry I asked you that. Although it seems that you are very happy with just your dad."

"My dad makes me the happiest, and he is the best dad in the world. And it's okay; I am not sad, you ask; I only get sad because I don't know about them, but it's okay, I have my dad. My dad always told me to appreciate what I have and not worry about what I don't have because if I worry, then I won't have time to enjoy what I already have."

"Are you really seven?" Jin asked her with great amazement at her response and intelligence.

"I'm only seven," Mia smiled and nodded. "Though my dad said I am an old person trapped in a child's body. He's such a funny guy."

Jin laughed, "I think you are the funny one, but it's good that he is teaching you these things. He sounds wise, I am a lot older than you, and I haven't learned how not to worry."

Mia frowned, "why do you worry?"

Jin stared at her, not even sure how to respond to her, it was the first time he had even said something like that out loud, but she appeared so innocent it was hard for him to ignore her, "I worry about different things, but right now I am worried about what I will have for dinner."

"Uncle Hoseok is going to make dinner, don't worry."

Her response made Jin smile, "what happens if I don't like Uncle Hoseok cooking?"

Mia brought her hands to her mouth and shook her head, then she stared up at Jin, "y-you can't say that. It's better than when Uncle Namjoon cooks."

Jin burst out laughing so loud he almost fell off the chair, "oh my gosh, you are so right! You know what, come with me, today, I am going to take over Uncle Hoseok kitchen, for being so sweet, I am going to make you something special."

Mia took Jin's hand, getting down off the chair, "you can cook?"

"I will let you be the judge of that."

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