Chapter Thirty-One

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"Jungkook, please leave it with me," Jin said as he rushed out of the room to pursue Jungkook, halting him in the middle of the halls. "I intend to speak with him again, but I need to consider my decisions tonight. I'm not planning anything for tomorrow."

"I don't want any surprises, Seokjin," Jungkook said as he turned to face his husband, who was still holding onto his arm. "You getting an abortion on the spur of the moment because you feel it's the appropriate option based on Jimin's attitude about everything."

"I understand. I'm not going to do anything like that without first informing you. I would have done that without a second thought if I were the old me, but I wouldn't do it today. I guarantee you that I will not disappoint you. I didn't tell him I was pregnant, and I'm not sure if I should have. Whatever the case may be, I believe it should be me speaking with him about this. It would help if you didn't have to repair everything in this house all of the time. "I also don't want to burden you with the fact that Jimin is my responsibility—"

"I'm going to put a stop to it right now. It is our responsibility to look after him. As much as I expect you to consider Mia ours, I was hoping you could think of me as your husband, not as someone who can repair things. I don't want you to be miserable at this point in your life, particularly now. Jimin, I understand what you're saying. I can only imagine the thoughts going through his head, but he must understand that you are an adult and responsible for your life and what you want.

You can't continue to spend your life with the weight of your past mistakes attached to you. The changes and progress you have made will either be accepted or rejected by him. You can't fix everything.

He wants to be an only kid for you, but he doesn't want to be an only child for his other parent, and that's not fair, is it? Why are you the only one who has to deal with this? Taehyung hasn't done even half as much as you have, yet you are constantly seen as less important.

I understand that you were never the ideal father to him; I understand that. However, he is no longer a baby and needs to comprehend the reality behind things. You must express your heartfelt apologies to him and assure him that no other child or person will ever replace his place in your life. However, he should be aware that you may love more than one person simultaneously and that his position will not be taken away.

He has to have the same level of confidence in us that I have, but I understand that will take time and will need strong and frequent reinforcement on your part. In addition, he should be aware that you are not perfect. No one is, and his expectations of you are unrealistic because I do want us to have this baby, and it will break my heart if you proceed with abortion not because you want it, but because it is what he wants because that is selfish!

"Let's speak about this in the room. I don't want him to hear us right now," Jin said, pushing Jungkook towards their room, "I'll consider and speak with him tomorrow. I'll take him on a drive and talk with him. Thanks for your help, Jungkook. I'll figure it out, and I really appreciate it. I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin as they returned to their room, "you don't need to thank me. I am here with you, and we will figure this out together; just don't shut me out."

"I won't, I promise."


Jimin took a few steps around the park, which he thought was strange since he couldn't understand why his Appa had brought him to a place he had only visited when he lived with his grandparents.

Jin hadn't spoken anything to him throughout the whole journey there other than to inquire about his schooling. He had no idea why they had come here, and he was beginning to wonder whether he had pushed Jin too far the night before because of the way he behaved, particularly when he brought up the subject of a boyfriend he didn't have.

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