Chapter Ten

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"This is so delicious." Mia's bright eyes sparkled as she ate the meal Jin had prepared.

Jin smiled, "thank you."

"Wow, this is so good; why haven't you cooked for me before?" Hoseok questioned, enjoying every bit of the meal.

In support of his husband's words, Namjoon gave a thumbs-up; he couldn't utter the words he wanted to, as he was too focused on eating and enjoying the food.

Jin shrugged, "besides sometimes trying to cook at home, I never have a reason to cook."

"Jimin must love your cooking, damn if I had you as a brother, I would be at your house every day." Namjoon finally looked up from his food and spoke.

"He does," Jin responded with a small smile before turning his focus to Mia. "Have you ever had funnel cake?"

Mia looked up at Jin, "no, what's that?"

"Oh my god, please make it. I want funnel cake." The voice of Namjoon booms out as he stands up and gazes at Jin pleadingly, causing Hoseok to laugh.


Hearing the alarm chimed and the front door open, Jimin jumped up from the sofa in a panic, "shit." he mumbled to himself, running his fingers through his hair; he found his slippers and was ready to make a run for the stairs. However, the family room light came on, and he turned to find his Jin standing by the entryway.

"I brought you some fo- when the fuck did you get a tattoo?"

Wrapping his arms around himself, Jimin rolled his eyes, even as he was panicking on the inside, "it's my body. I can do what I want to. I didn't think I needed your permission to get it."

"You didn't think you needed my permission to get a tattoo at sixteen?!"

"Did you get your parents' permission before you got knocked up at sixteen?"

Jin dropped the bags in his hands and took after Jimin, "I am going to fucking kill your disrespectful ass!"

"Keep away from me, please!" Jimin yelled up, running down the hallway and up the stairs. As he slammed the door of his room, he leaned against it out of breath. "I swear I hate my life. It's impossible to have a single happy moment without him ruining it."

"Jimin, open the door."

"Leave me alone; I do not want to see you or talk to you. I'm calling dad right now!" Jimin yelled, pulling out his phone.

Immediately, Jin pounded at the door, "Leave my father out of this and open the fucking door! I mean, how dare you get a tattoo without asking me first? You've lost your fucking mind, haven't you?"

"Maybe living with you has caused me to have mental problems."

"Open the damn door, you little shit."

"No, this is my room, and I don't have to let you in-"

"You want me to kick this door down, don't you?" Jin had grown increasingly frustrated with his son's behavior.

On the other side, Jimin shrugged, "then kick it down, then you gotta pay to have it put back up, not me. I swear, I wish I had been aborted."

"You are not the only one with this wish, and trust me, if the hands of time could be turned back, you would not be here today."

Jimin could not respond as tears streamed down his cheeks as he dialed his father's number as tears fell down his cheeks.


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