Meeting Aithusa

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Synopsis: After rescuing the dragon egg in the Tomb of Ashkanar, Merlin invites his lover to watch the hatching and also get a glimpse of his other gift.

Gwaine bolted to his chamber door, already knowing who was on the other side, opened it, and pulled his lover inside. "What took you so long?" Gwaine asked huskily, kissing Merlin deeply.

Merlin kissed back but pulled back when he remembered his true purpose of being there. Gwaine pouted when he did, but it eventually turned into a smile.

"There's something I've got to show you!" Merlin said excitedly, reaching into the satchel slung over his shoulder. Gwaine also had to contain his joy when he realized what he was about to be shown.

He watched captivated as Merlin slowly pulled out a big white rounded dragon egg. "Incredible." Gwaine commented breathlessly, tracing the egg shell delicately.

"Isn't it? Gwaine, this egg changes everything. There will no longer be just one dragon left in the world." Merlin exclaimed joyfully, not letting his gaze move from the egg.

"And maybe you'll be able to get less cryptic advice from this dragon, eh?" Gwaine jokes, exuding laughter from his lover. "Oh man, I hope so! But knowing this little guy will have Kilgharrah as a caretaker...I don't have much faith." Merlin chuckled.

"Well, I look forward to you telling me how it goes." Gwaine stated, pressing a kiss to Merlin's cheek before making his way to the door. "Wait, where are you going?" Merlin called out quickly.

Gwaine paused his actions and raised a brow, "Uh to the tavern?" "Well I was actually going to ask if you wanted to accompany me to the hatching, but since you have plans..." Merlin trailed off, suppressing a grin.

Gwaine's eyes widened, "Plans? What plans? I don't know what you're talking about, mate, but I would love to accompany you." He stumbled.

Merlin rolled his eyes with a smirk and placed the egg back in his satchel. "Well, love, let's hatch us a dragon!" Gwaine proclaimed before dragging Merlin out by the wrist.

Instead of sneaking past the guards, Gwaine used his special privilege as a Knight of Camelot to casually bypass them. As they trekked through the forest, Gwaine waited impatiently in anticipation. This would be the first time he'd see his lover's Dragonlord abilities in person.

Although he did jump in surprise when Merlin reared his head back and roared into the sky. They didn't have to wait long for the Great Dragon to arrive in the usual clearing. Gwaine could practically feel the excitement radiating off the massive dragon.

"Young warlock, I see you've succeeded in retrieving the egg. And you've brought your consort along as well." Gwaine stood frozen as Kilgharrah eyed him intently. He tried not to think anything terrible just in case the dragon could hear his thoughts. Wait, could dragons look into minds? He'd have to ask Merlin later.

"Is it still alive?" Merlin asked cautiously. Gwaine put a hand on his shoulder in support while praying to the gods that it was.

"It can live for more than a thousand years." Killgharrah nodded happily. "So you are no longer the last of your kind." Merlin stated factually. Kilgharrah chuckled, "It would seem not." Gwaine knew the dragon was celebrating more than he let on.

Looking at the egg curiously, Merlin asked, "When will it hatch?"Young dragons were called into the world by the dragonlords. Only they had the power to summon them from the egg. As the last dragonlord, this solemn duty falls to you, Merlin," Kilgharrah informed softly.

Gwaine watched as his lover stared at the egg for a moment.

"How do I summon it?"

"You must give the dragon a name."

Merlin closed his eyes in concentration, trying to decide a name. Killgarrah and Gwaine watched him intently. "Aithusa!" Merlin hissed in the dragon tongue. His tone sent shivers down Gwaine's spine.

Suddenly, the sound of cracks came from the egg, and it began to wiggle. Then the cutest little white baby dragon popped its head out of the shell and chirped.

Merlin cried out in amazement, and Gwaine joined him. After all, it wasn't every day you see a dragon birth. Gwaine stumbled back when Merlin threw his arms around him and captured his lips.

"A white dragon is, indeed, a rare thing... and fitting. For in the dragon tongue, you named him after the light of the sun. No dragon birth is without meaning..."

They broke away and continued to watch the baby dragon climb out of its shell.

"Sometimes the meaning is hard to see, but this time, I believe it is clear. The white dragon bodes well for Albion, for you and Arthur, and for the land that you will build together."

Tears of joy cascaded down Merlin's face as he let out an exhilarating laugh. Gwaine's eyes were on the bubbly little dragon that he was startled when Merlin grabbed his hand. Slowly, trying to appear not at all threatening, the two walked closer to the baby dragon.

Merlin took the first leap, he raised his hand, and stroked Aithusa's scales. Aithusa seemed to love the attention as he purred in response. "Hello, Aithusa, I'm Merlin, your kin," Merlin greeted sweetly. Gwaine smiled at the interaction.

"And this is Gwaine, he's very special to me, and in turn, I hope he becomes special to you as well," Merlin continued, ushering Gwaine to come closer. Hesitantly, Gwaine sauntered over.

Aithusa and him got into what Gwaine could describe was a staring contest. Normally, he would've felt uneasy like he did with Killgharrah, but with Aithusa, it was different. The little dragon gave the impression of pureness.

And to think he was tasked with destroying this innocent creature.

"You know, I think getting poisoned was well worth you, little guy." Gwaine joked as he gently stroked the dragon's head. Aithusa smiled and warbled.

He wrapped his arms around Merlin and pulled his love into his chest. "Your father would've been proud of you, love." He mumbled, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

Merlin's eyes watered as he smiled, leaning his forehead against Gwaine's.

"I love you, Gwaine."

"I love you too, my Dragonlord."

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