One Sick Manservant

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Synopsis: Merlin has been pushing himself too much, and his lover is concerned. Set sometime between S4 & S5.

Gwaine rolled over and stretched out an arm to wrap around his lover, but he only felt cold bed sheets. When he heard some hushed coughing, his eyes wearily opened. He followed the sound to see Merlin sitting up, hunched over, trying to suppress his coughs.

Any tiredness Gwaine experienced was gone instantly, and he quickly pushed himself up and closer to Merlin.

“Deep breaths love, that’s it,” Gwaine encouraged, slowly rubbing Merlin’s back. “I’m alright,” Merlin wheezed, settling down from his attack.

Gwaine frowned in concern, “Well you don’t sound like it, or look that way either.” He wasn’t exaggerating either, Merlin did seem awfully pale.

He placed a hand on his lover's forehead to check it’s temperature only for Merlin to swat it away. “I feel fine. If anything, I have a slight cough,” he dismissed. Gwaine looked unconvinced, “Maybe you should go see Gaius,” he suggested.

Merlin scoffed, “And have him shove a disgusting potion down my throat? No thanks, it's pointless because I’m not sick.”

He stretched his arms with a yawn and got up to get dressed. “Where do you think you're going?” Gwaine raised an eyebrow.

“To serve King Prat,” Merlin smiled. Gwaine shook his head, “Ask him for a day off, for goodness sake Merlin you’ve been pushing yourself hard these past few weeks,” he all but pleaded to his lover.

“Arthur’s been having a tough time fixing things after Morgana’s takeover, not to mention dealing with his uncle's betrayal. He needs me to look after him whether he admits it or not.” ‘Oh Merlin, you need to be looked after too,’ Gwaine thought sadly.

He understood better than anyone that Arthur comes first, always will, but he just didn’t believe it had to be at the expense of Merlin's health. 

“I better run before that clotpole gets real angry, I’ll see you later.” Merlin quickly pecked Gwaine on the lips before heading out. The quiet sniffle did not go unheard by Gwaine.

He didn’t see Merlin until later on in the day at training. And boy, did the manservant look worse than ever. His nose and cheeks had a red tint to them, and he was even paler. It was clear Merlin wasn’t feeling his best. It was so noticeable that Elyan and Leon inquired about his health. And of course, Merlin just brushed off their concerns.

Despite how oblivious his King often was, Gwaine had faith Arthur would observe the state of his servant and do the wise thing-give him some time off.

That faith had shattered when he caught sight of his king and lover sparring. Hard. Merlin did not exaggerate when he said Arthur was in a foul mood as of late.

A loud crash was heard throughout the training grounds. Everyone turned to see what Gwaine thought was a painful sight. Unconscious on the ground before a shocked Arthur was Merlin.

Gwaine dropped his sword and ran to his lover, scooping the unresponsive servant into his arms. It chilled Gwaine that his lover was so light. The shaky rise and fall of Merlin’s chest provided some comfort.

“What happened?” Gwaine shouted at the frozen King. “We were sparring, and the next thing I know, the idiot collapses. You didn’t take him to the tavern last night, Gwaine?” Arthur asked.

Gwaine’s blood boiled, seeing his King unbothered by the state of his supposed friend. “I don't know how many times I have to tell you, princess. Merlin. Does. Not. Drink. He hates the very smell of mead!” Gwaine shouted furiously.

His king had the decency to look apologetic. “What’s wrong with him then?” He asked, crouching down to Gwaine’s level. This time, concern laced his voice. Gwaine sighed, “He’s sick, been overworking himself while neglecting his bodily needs.” He explained more calmly.

“All for me,” Arthur stated frustratedly, bowing his head. Gwaine’s silence made it clear what he believed. “Sir Gwaine, do you think you can bring him to Gaius’? Or should I ask Percival?” Gwaine tightened his grip on Merlin. “I can manage,” he growled. Any sane person knew not to argue.

Slowly, Gwaine stood up, carefully keeping his hold of Merlin. His heart clenched, hearing his lover groan from the movement. Ignoring the pointed stares from knights and servants alike, Gwaine carried his best mate to Gaius’.

The physician went right to work when catching a glimpse of his ward. Gwaine gently lowered Merlin onto a patient bed and watched as Gaius began his treatment.

“He’s got a high fever. We need to cool him down to lower it. Gwaine, can you fetch me a cold rag?” Gaius asked. Gwaine was eager to help and did as the physician asked. 

In the meantime, Gaius stripped Merlin of his jacket and neckerchief. When he wasn’t obeying any instructions, Gwaine was sitting by Merlin’s bedside. When Merlin was stable, Gaius started his interrogation. 

“How did this come to be?” Gwaine curled his fists, his gaze not leaving his lover. “Arthur. He pushed Merlin beyond his limits, and this isn't the first time Gaius!”

Gaius hummed, “While I do believe Arthur played a part in Merlin’s current situation, he is not solely to blame. You know Merlin as well as I do. He doesn’t stop until he’s forced to, and that usually means burning himself to the ground.”

A part of Gwaine wanted to cast blame on Arthur completely, but he had to concede Gaius’ point. He grabbed one of his lovers' hands and stroked it for support.

“I also know you well Gwaine, there’s something else isn’t there? It certainly can not be easy to see someone you love like this, especially given your relationship with Merlin,” Gaius prodded lightly. Gwaine cursed the old man’s perceptiveness.

Gaius waited patiently for his answer, which Gwaine was thankful for. He definitely wasn’t the best with feelings. Specifically his own.

“I am responsible, too, for this. I knew I knew he wasn’t well, and yet I let him go to work! What kind of lover am I if I can’t even make sure the person I love is safe! If I had just been more persistent, Merlin wouldn’t have ended up this way! I have the audacity to put the blame on Arthur when I’m just as bad as him!” Gwaine cried out.

He felt some pressure on his shoulder. “It would do you no good to feel guilty. I’ve been where you are. There were times in the past I should’ve done more for Merlin’s sake. But we can not change the past. What’s done is done. You can help Merlin now by being here when he wakes and providing him some joy in this miserable time.”

“I’m not leaving his side, not for one second,” Gwaine swore. Trusting his ward in the hands of the knight, Gaius left to do his rounds. 

“Get better soon, love.” Gwaine kissed Merlins hands. True to his word, Gwaine stayed the rest of the day, including the night. Seeing his lover’s eyes open the next morning made it all worth it. 

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