A Trip To Ealdor

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Synopsis: Gwaine accompanies Merlin on a trip to Ealdor and gets to learn more about his friend

Gwaine was overjoyed when he heard that his best friend was planning a trip to his home village. He was also very pleased that the reason for said trip was so Merlin could visit his mother.

Gwaine wanted to learn more about his first true friend, and what better way to do that than to meet the woman who was responsible for bringing him into this world. 

Unsurprisingly, the princess requested Merlin travel with a knight, so of course, Gwaine jumped at the chance to accompany Merlin on his travels. Merlin wasn’t upset that Gwaine was joining him. In fact, currently, he was sharing some childhood stories to keep them entertained. 

“Old man Simmons was angry at Will and I for weeks after the chicken incident. Well, come to think of it, he didn’t like us in general,” Merlin finished, chuckling a bit.

Gwaine laughed with him, “I think I underestimated how mischievous you really are, my friend.” Merlin shrugged innocently.

“This Will guy sounds like my type of company. Care to introduce me?” The smile on Merlin’s face quickly vanished. And Gwaine felt the air surrounding them turn melancholy. “Merlin?” Gwaine hesitantly prodded. 

He watched as his friend took a deep breath before explaining. “A couple of years ago, there was a major bandit problem in Ealdor. My mother traveled all the way to Uther and asked for help, which he didn’t. Arthur, Gwen, and Morgana ended up accompanying me back home. During the big fight, Will took an arrow for Arthur and…...”

Gwaine didn’t need to be a genius to understand the outcome. Merlin sighed, closing his eyes from the painful memory.

“I’m sorry, Merlin. He sounded like a good friend,” Gwaine comforted softly. Merlin nodded, “He was. And he would’ve liked you too, in fact you remind me of him a lot.” “How so?” Gwaine questioned, trying to lighten up the mood.

Merlin’s expression became brighter once more. “Well one distinct similarity was that he had a strong dislike for Nobility. He wasn’t too fond of Arthur in the beginning.”

While he listened, Gwaine made a mental note to pay his respects to Will. Any friend of Merlin was a friend of his.


Now, having traveled all across the land visiting many different villages, Gwaine expected Ealdor to be quite small. But it's not that small. The little village only comprised maybe about ten households.

But the view of the village was nothing compared to the beautiful nostalgic smile Merlin wore at the sight. Of course, the people of Ealdor were in awe to see a knight of Camelot riding through their village. But Gwaine couldn’t help but notice the strange stares Merlin received. He chalked it up to shock that a mere peasant was with a high-ranking noble.

They came upon a tiny house near the end of the village. Merlin jumped off his horse and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a mid-aged woman with tied up brown hair.

“Hello mother,” Merlin greeted, fighting a big smile. His mother gasped and pulled her son to her, “Oh my son!”

Gwaine watched the interaction with a warm expression. A brief, painful thought of his own mother came to mind, but he pushed it away. 

“And who’s this fine, young man?” Gwaine snapped out of his thoughts at the question. He climbed off his horse and went over to the duo.

“Gwaine my lady, I’m a friend of your son,” Gwaine introduced respectfully. Despite his formal appearance, inside, he was full of nerves. What if she didn’t approve of him? Would Merlin still be friends with him?

My Friend, My Love ~ Merwaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now