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" A few months ago Vikram hired a new secretary Sara mathews must have met her. Adhu you know that I have the habit of observing people and looking for a reasoning for those questions which people don't even ask. I observed the way she tried to flirt with people who were the key managers of various important projects and how she tried to worm out the information about those projects from them. I told all this to Vikram and he said that he can't take any action solely based on this information and I understood his reasoning.  Two days ago  I confirmed my pregnancy,  I was so overjoyed by this that I straight away rushed to the office to share it with Vikram . As soon as I entered his cabin I caught Sara snooping around his files and copying something on her pendrive Furiously, catching hold of her arm I  dragged her to the room where Vikram's meeting was going on and barged inside. Dismissing the members of the meeting he turned towards me and even before I could open my mouth he blew up on me....he did not even listen to me ....and said that I should not take undue advantage of being his wife." Bursting into a fit of tears she hid her face behind her hands.

Hugging her tightly I tried to calm her down. " shhh...Shreya...don't worry babe, I'll shave off his precious hair for shouting at you. By the way do you want more kids after this one ?"

" And why do you ask so? " She inquired curiously.

Giving her a devilish look I said, " arreee.....if  you want more kids then I will have to hold off his castration right now and continue with it when you are satisfied with the number of your offspring.  Well....I personally prefer even numbers...let's just hope that you are having twins in that case I won't have to wait to castrate him." Swatting my arm Shreya let out a small laugh and wiped her tears.

" You know I was so angry that I just packed a bag and left for my grandma's place after emailing him my test reports . Despite everything I had hoped that he would be here today ...but I guess he doesn't care. I need you to be here with me Adhweta I am too nervous. "
" And I am always here for you babe, whether you need me or not, whether you are right or wrong. I love you." I let her rest her head on my shoulder while we waited for her turn to come.

When her name was called out we entered the doctor's cabin and took our seats. Shortly the doctor came and started with her general questioning .
" Miss Shreya we are going to begin with the routine check up would you like to wait for your husband ?" Listening to the doctor's question the shine on Shreya's face dimmed as she pursed her lips and before she could reply I interjected " No doctor that won't be needed since she doesn't have a husband as she is my wife and that is my child." The doctor stared at me with frog-like bulging eyes as she tried to take in what I said and then furrowing her eyebrows she again looked at the files and asked , " Then who is ' Vikram kaushik' here in the files ?"
" Oh ...he is the sperm- donor whom we selected for having a baby."
Shreya's face was red and cheeks were puffed out like a squirrel as she tried to control her laughter...or was that anger...well I know that I am funny must be the laughter. "Leave it doctor we will like to continue with the checkup. "
She said while giving me a pointed glare.

Taking the prescription to get Shreya's medicine I left her to talk to the doctor. I joined the cue at the counter as I again tried to recall anything which I might be forgetting but nothing came to mind even though  the feeling of forgetting something continued to persist so putting a sock on it I moved on. When I came back Shreya was waiting for me.

"Look adhu I know that you are angry at Vikram but I need you to go there and look into this matter...pretty please....please please ...for me." And she had me at the last two words. "OK fine but only for you and not for that high and mighty racoon." Smiling at me she held my hand as we walked out. Accompanying her to her car I called my assistant, " Mira I need all the information on Sara mathews working in Vikram's company and I need you to get there quickly with it."

I am a corporate lawyer as well a business major having my own firm with its  branch in India. Amongst the many clients  I cater to , I am also an attorney to Vikram's company 'Brics and Co'. Reaching the company premises I parked my car and got out. Squaring my shoulders I approached the receptionist  "Good afternoon ma'am."

"Good afternoon Sasha are Vikram and miss mathews here today?" Shaking her head she responded in negative. Grabbing the window of opportunity I said, " I am here to pick up a file I need the keys to miss mathews cabin."
Getting the keys I entered the elevator as I thought about my next step. Unlocking her cabin with an ominous click I made my way inside.

While I was going through her cabinets and drawers my assistant arrived. " Good afternoon ma'am here are the files you asked for."  " Thank you mira can you please check that I have not forgotten anything important in my schedule because I have been feeling like I have forgotten something since morning. " Nodding my way she went out as I started looking through the files she had brought when a particular picture captured my attention where a man was grabbing a young girl inappropriately and instead of pushing him she was giving him a lewd smile. The man's face was seemed familiar,  staring at it a little longer it finally clicked me...ah..that's it . Opening the email on the desktop I began going through the different contacts when a particular one caught my attention.
Clicking on it I saw that a copy of the planned budget prepared by Brics and Co. in collaboration with DSR had been sent to knight corporations.

Analyzing the gravity of the situation I called Sasha and said," When is the project in collaboration with DSR to be presented ?" " Tommorow ma'am at noon." That means we have less time.
" Sasha I need you to send up all the key people who are working for this project." And soon enough four people entered the room.

Scanning there faces I told them about the situation and warned them,"whatever I have just said should not go outside this room otherwise be prepared to enjoy life time retirement plan on the streets. I need you guys to prepare a new presentation with new ideas by today itself. " Nodding their heads they got down to work as I copied a few things from Sara's desktop to my laptop. I also joined the others in preparing the presentation and just like that the day dissolved into night.

Finally when the clock struck eleven everything was wrapped up and I thanked the others for staying back and working. As I got up I felt as if my head was swimming and whole body was paining.  When I walked out I saw mira dozing off in a chair.
My steps were shaky and my vision blurred as I walked up to her but shaking it off I called her and said, " You should have not waited, there was no need." " No worries ma'am...and I checked everything nothing is forgotten. " " hmm..okay let's go. "

And just as I took my next step blackness started crowding my vision as my body swayed as if suspended in air and I finally recalled what I was forgetting.....dammit I forgot to eat anything today! Everything stopped as I heard a loud thud.

Phew that was a long chapter and now my fingers are giving up and a big hug and thankyou to all those who have voted, commented , added my book to their reading list thanks a lot guys you all are the fuel to my fire.

Well quick question in the last chapter you read about Adhweta's struggle with saree how many of struggle with it the same way?

How many of you wore a saree to their farewell? Was it your mum's saree?

Please vote and comment so that I continue writing.stay healthy stay safe.

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