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"Okay that's enough. Give it back."

Looking up after slowly perusing the sheet of paper in front of him he turned the page and with a careless shrug of his shoulder asked, "What ?"

"My shoes god damn it!"

"Look at my feet and then look at yours do you think I could possibly have any business with your shoes ?"

" I know that your king Kong feet cannot be compared to my baby Koala one's but that doesn't mean that you can be absolved of the crime of hiding my shoes because

a) We both are the only ones present in this house and we did not go out even once in these past two days which means that my shoes should have been in the same place where I left it. And

b) Based on the facts that since morning I have been finding my phone in your pocket, my watch in the fridge and my handbag almost stashed away in the kitchen cupboard before I pulled it out of your death grip."

"Well if you want your things to be in their place then the simplest solution is, that you stay back here at your place which is beside me."

Grabbing a handful of almonds from the dining table I thrusted them inside his mouth.

"Eat these almonds and try to remember that I agreed to be your girlfriend, not your wife and that too just a day before."

"You are already behaving like a typical wife, worrying about my memory, pushing healthy things down my throat, and fighting with me on everything that I say. Then why can't you stay with me like one."

"Deven we need to take baby steps. If we want to enjoy a strong relationship then we need to work on a strong foundation."

"Oh my god why are you sounding so logical?" Burying his head between his hands he shook his head earning a small laugh from me.

"Because I am. Now be a good boy and return me my shoes."

"Okay I will return it back but first you return my things back to me."

"What do I have to return you back ?"

"My share of kisses."

"When did we agree on you having your share of kisses?"

"When you made me an addict for it in the first go."

Spotting my shoes beneath the chair on which he was sitting I bent down and placed my hands on the hand rests of the chair and brought my face extremely close to his.

"You want kisses you'll get it. For better experience kindly close your eyes."

Raking my fingers through his hair I crouched down further and started pulling out my shoes. Caressing his face with one hand while with the other one I pushed my feet into them and tugged them on. When I was finally done with wearing my shoes I again brought my face closer to his and made sure that my breath caressed his face.

And when his face relaxed with the surety of receiving his share, I pinched his cheek with one hand and bolted outside with my bag gasping and laughing, before he could comprehend his next action.

"Hey! This is cheating."

"Sue me!"

Getting inside the elevator I gave him a mischievous wink as the door slid shut before he could catch me.

The number of times I had laughed and giggled in these past two days has been more than the number of times I had smiled in the bygone years.

It seemed like by agreeing to being his girlfriend I have let my inner child free.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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