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Can someone please buy me a black hole! Dammit how do you talk to a person with whom you have maintained radio silence for the past five years.
Five years ago, a day had come in my life which made me question many things about myself, my life and the people in it. Did I deserve the amount of love which my family bestowed upon me? Did I ever build something with my own sweat and blood ? What is my worth? Can just a few words spoken by me in anger break my family's trust upon me? Am I a threat to my own family?
These were some of the questions which plaqued my existence making me restless . Everyone I knew, everything I knew started suffocating me , clawing at my soul and before it could completely tear me apart I packed my bags, used my scholarship, and came here to New York.

I chartered my own course, fought my own battles with no one to treat me like a princess , no one to pick me up when I fell, no one  to dry my tears and these difficulties has to be faced by everyone at some point in their life as they help you to adapt to the harshness of life and teaches you to fight. However,  what really changed me and made me lock myself away from everyone were the times when I craved to hug someone only to have my pillow to hold to myself, when I wanted to share my meals with someone only to have it with silence and in silence , when I wanted to talk with someone only to smile at the old photographs. Those moments not only taught me the role of family and friends but also showed me how much emotionally dependent I was on them.

People are like the color grey and it is the situations which either portrays them as black or white. Yes, now I understand that neither were they wrong nor was I completely correct and life simply happened but still it is not easy to forgive yourself or to stop being dejected because were not upto our expectations
A long sigh from the other side brought me back the present situation.
" Tell me Champ, had your assistant not called us today would you have informed us? Your doctor told us that this was the third time you fainted because of skipping meals. You are so ..far away from us it's as if you have gone farther than what can be quantified. How long are you planning to punish everyone along with yourself?"
And here I had spent half of my life thinking that maths is difficult say hello to life. The questions were simple but the answers were not hence I went for the next best option deflect , " aaah...ouch..mmhh..Mira can you please call the doctor my head is hurting...aahh...hello bhai how have you been?"
"Champ are you alright? Just tell me the name of the hospital in which you are admitted I will take the next flight and come to you"
"Relax bhai it's nothing which pills and rest can't solve. How is everyone at home?"
"Everyone is fine and you can meet them when you come back. Do text me the flight timings so that I can come to pick you up "
"Bhai ..what..timings ? What are you talking about?"
" seems like you haven't talked with your assistant. She had called on the office phone number and it was answered by dadu, he interrogated her about whether you have ever visited India in the past five years and she got intimidated and told him about how you have your branches here in Delhi,  Pune and Jaipur which you operate through appointed heads. She also spilled about how you are coming back to Jaipur to attend Bani's wedding and yeah things progressed and the end result was him telling her to shift your head office here in Jaipur."

"Bhai can you please elaborate on what progressed where? And my business is not something which I can shift at the drop of a hat." My mind was spinning with questions. It seemed as if God had finally gotten bored with my drama free life and had decided to add some thunder and lighting in it and my assistant had decided to be his instrument of chaos.

"Ah ...well...dadu had asked whether you could manage your work from here and your assistant blabbered about how your work won't be disrupted as you could continue to provide consultation services and could fly out there if needed. Now...don't go around hunting her she just panicked and you know how dadu gets when his protective mode is switched on specially with you . You are his princess. He grilled your assistant untill he had all the answers he wanted. He loves you a lot, and has missed you immensely all of us have ...just come back."

Never in my dreams had I imagined that skipping my meals will land me in the mess which I had been trying to avoid.
"Yes I know how he can act in his protective mode given the fact that I have also faced it's heat and I can guess how much he misses me from the fact that that he asked you to talk to me instead of speaking to me himself. Let the things be as it is bhai everybody is safe and happy like this."

No one is happy Adhu..come out of this delusion that you are protecting everyone by staying away because you are not. And no I am not going to let it's been long enough as it is . It is time to comeback and face everything. You are my Champ for a reason and I love you."
" too,bhai." It has been so long since I last tasted these words on my tongue. My broken voice gave away the emotional turmoil which his words had caused as a few tears found there escape.
"OK now stop crying before your face gets as red as a monkey's bum. Now I have to go take care...and come soon."

"It seems like you have forgotten that I don't cry I just put some glycerin to reduce the pressure on my eyes. You also take care."

How the hell am I going to get out of this one!
Mira came inside with timid steps and kept looking at me with anxious eyes while I kept on ignoring her. After a few minutes had passed she came closer and sat on the visitor's chair.
"Ma'am I am sorry but I just panicked when you fainted. I tried to call Vikram sir but he was unreachable so I just called on the family number which you had given me for emergency purposes, please forgive me."

Sighing I turned towards her and took in her disheveled and tired form.
"It's not your fault, stop apologizing. I can understand that it was late at night and you knew no one who could help me so you did what you thought was right. Don't mind me I am just being unreasonable and I guess even ungrateful...thankyou so much for helping me and taking care of me . Now stop looking so scared you are acting like scooby-doo."
Chuckling a little she pushed her hair behind her ear. "Well ma'am during the last two months in which I have worked for you . I have seen how you can dominate the place where you stand and be graceful at the same time. You can be demanding if it is related to work and understanding when personal reasons come to play and it has been a pleasure to work with you. "

"I am not raising your salary ,but just so you know you are an amazing assistant.  Mira I need you to get me my discharge papers and some clean clothes ,we have a meeting to attend."
"Ma'am the doctor had said that you can go after you are finished with the drip."
"Well too bad we don't have time only one hour is left and it is gonna take forty five minutes to reach there."

After getting ready we were finally on our way to DSR. Mira had contacted Vikram's p.a. and we had listened to Lucas knight's stolen presentation. It was time for me to enter the game and change the scores.

Entering the high-rising building we got the details of where the meeting was taking place. Getting off the elevator I masked my expressions and tightened my grip on the I.V. stand . Opening the door of the conference room I braced myself for what was going to go down as all the eyes landed on me.

Hello my lovely readers , I know my plot is a little slow but I like to build the background before working my way up.
Please pretty please can you leave some comments about your thoughts on this book this will help me figure out about how should I go on with this book , because it is consuming my time. Therefore I would like to know what you guys think so I could improve.

Do vote , comment and recommend my book . A big thanks to all those who are reading, voting and commenting on my book . Stay healthy, stay safe

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