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Everything was spinning around and meshing into each other as my vision blurred making my surroundings seem like everything and nothing at the same time. My body felt numb and detached as if I was trapped within my own body with little to no control. The only thing which was holding me back from slipping into oblivion was the pressure of a hand on my hand.

The touch held familiarity , safety and love and the hold was strong but not rough. The person holding my hand kept dragging me, as if trying to keep me afloat from drowning in darkness.
Barely keeping my balance,I stumbled upon something. The person turned around supporting my shoulders and helped me straighten myself and as I lifted my head my eyes connected with the mirror image of my own.

" Careful my laddo. I will not let anything happen to you, come we have to get out of here fast."
Taking hold of my arms she again started dragging me through the narrow dingy streets. After stumbling and being hauled for sometime we finally reached an open area. Making me lean against a wall the women fished out her phone and spoke, " Harish we are at the back, come fast."

Finishing her call the woman came towards me and started caressing my head as she regarded me with worried eyes, " Why did you come here adhu? You know your dadu,  he is going to be so were never like never disobeyed his word...what if something had happened to you? What if I had not tracked you? You are our pride,we love you and we can't loose you..."

Getting closer to the women I wrapped my arms around her as her warmth soothed an unknown chaos within me .
" Blood...I went to.." , my sentence was cut short as someone roughly pulled my hair and a knife was placed near my neck, " I am not going to leave you" the man slurred as he dragged his knife from my jaw to the base of my throat scraping my skin off in the process.
" Leave her you one can touch her till I am alive."
The women pulled the man's hand away from me while simultaneously trying to pull me towards herself . The man tried to push away the women and in the process left my hand while I fell on the ground.

The sudden loud police siren followed by two police jeeps and a car startled the man out of his wits as he tried to search for an escape
"Laddo get up go to the car,fast." Groaning I gathered myself and tried to stand up with woman's help as the police rushed to arrest the man. As she helped me walk to the car the man behind us roared, " If I am going down then I will take you with myself. "
And he flung the knife in my direction but before it could pierce me a body shielded my own

My mind froze as my protector turned around with a feeble smile on her face as she lost her balance. Kneeling down beside her , I held her in my arms while my eyes were fixated at the spot where the knife had penetrated her. I felt a shaky hand caressing my cheeks as I tried to process everything through my foggy brain.
The red blood seeping out of her body seemed to be draining  the life from me. I dragged my eyes to the face of the person who was trying to comfort me even through her pain. I took in her face which roughly resembled my own and as the reality started seeping in my muddled brain my heart constricted as I felt my body go cold as the only words which came out of my mouth was,
"" The women stared at me with her brimming eyes,
"I love you my laddo" She breathed out softly and closed her eyes

I shook her body trying to wake her up but she didn't even stir and like a punch to my gut everything dawned on me as I let out a painful scream, "DADIIII...."
A loud beeping noise was growing slowly but steadily as I fell through various stages of hell and darkness. Thousand pins pricked my head as I transcended from limbo into the land of living
Ah! the joys of feeling like dead person while still having a beating heart. Bile rose in my throat as I tried to get up. Pressing the call button I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes as I waited for someone to come.

Tears leaked from my eyes and stained my cheeks as I thought about my nightmare. The subdued pain resurfaced with burning intensity as I relived through my agonizing memories. I wish I could take back my words, my decisions and my impulsiveness. I wish I had never met those leaches. I wish they had trusted me as much as they had loved me.
A doctor came inside, breaking my chain of thoughts, "How are you feeling Ms. Singh?" He inquired as he checked my blood pressure and temperature. 

" I am feeling like I had been thoroughly kissed by a dementor."
Chuckling a little the doctor turned towards me,  " Well working hard is nice but working yourself to the point of exhaustion is not. You fainted because your vitals were low which I guess was due to skipping meals and taking a lot of stress. You need to take care of your diet and take plenty of rest. You can be discharged today itself if you want." Giving me a reassuring smile he went out.

The peace and quiet in the room gave me a moment to collect myself. I looked about myself taking in the light- blue painted walls and the window facing a park. I think I need a vacation no work,no annoying phone calls, no annoying people, no meetings, no-......wait meetings....oh friggiti- friggito- fu... I looked towards the clock where it's needles indicated that it was ten o'clock as the second's hand continued to rotate tauntingly.

Before I could dwell on my problems , a loud bang resonated in the room. Mira entered inside in a haste but stumbled to a stop as soon as she saw me and shoved her hands behind her back while giving me a nervous smile, " Good morning ma'am how are you doing now?"

Something is definitely wrong.  Straightening my shoulders I gave her a pointed look which said I-know-that-you-know-that-i-know-that-
Something-is-up. Chewing her lips she averted her eyes.
That's it I have had enough an angry best friend who is getting married,  a pregnant wife who's sperm donor has to be castrated , an idiot whose meeting I have to save from being sabotaged...and now an assistant who is shifting on her feet as if she is trying to drunk tap dance!

Hardening  my expression I glared at her with a no nonsense look and asked," What is it Mira?"
" I swear ma'am I did not intend to do it...its...its just  just that I panicked seeing you like that..I was not able to comprehend anything and I just did what I felt was right." By the end of her explanation she was shaking like a leaf as she continued to stare down at her shoes. When she finally made an eye I simply raised my eyebrows and at the same time a phone's ring tone was heard.

Letting out a defeated sigh she brought her hands in front of herself and accepted the call  but instead of answering it she handed over the phone to me. Not bothering to check the caller ID I placed it near my ear as I called out a "Hello."
But nothing could have prepared me for the voice which answered me from the other side, "Champ."

Memories flashed in my mind as I got swamped by the emotions contained in that one word. Swallowing the rising lump in my throat while my angry eyes snapped towards my 'I-want-to-be-invisible' assistant. I tightened my hold on the phone and used every ounce of my courage as the word finally tumbled out of my mouth, "Bhaiya..."

HELLO my lovely readers hope you all are safe .
So how is the book coming along do let me know.
And please vote and comment if you like my book. Stay safe and healthy.

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