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 "How long will it take for us to reach there?" Vikram pestered me for the 20th time in the last 15 minutes.

Tilting my head to the side I looked at him with a sickly sweet smile. "Why? You seem very eager to have your ass handed to you. I can already imagine the way she is going to welcome you. She's going to start with showering you with her pg-13 insults then comes the choking with her burning taunts and when she'll cry uff...! The amount of guilt she's going to trap you with. And just when you'll be able to gather enough courage to think about holding her in your arms she'll roast you like a marshmallow. And on top of that she is pregnant which means that her hormones can come into play whenever they want. But don't worry it's just a minor detail it's not as if she'll kick your ass for real. by the way which balm works best for you zandu balm or tiger balm? Don't worry I was just asking for future references . Even if she does kicks you out I'll take you in I think that I can do that much for you."

And just like that I popped his happy bubble of seeing his wife. I turned my head to the other side to smother the laughter bubbling inside of me only to get caught by the pair of dark eyes as they looked at me through the side view mirror. From the corner of my eyes I caught the glimmer of amusement as it slightly brightened his dark brooding eyes. His Royal Highness was enjoying the free show!

Bringing my attention back to Vikram I observed the light Sheen of sweat glittering on his forehead while he tried to down play his nervousness by letting out a forced chuckle, "Well then how are we going to talk to her or explain to her?"

"We! Oh no my dear brother it's you who will have to grovel at her feet. So what's your defence strategy against her anger and the raging hormones? "

"Yaarr....... Please help me this time. I promise I will never repeat this mistake again. I'll do whatever you want. Just save me this once."

Looking at his puppy-dog face my inner sass queen simply pushed back her cape and kept her foot on the footstool as if nothing affected her. And as if he could see my conscience, Vikram further jutted out his lower lip making a cutely- constipated face. After staring at his face for a few minutes my inner queen finally relented by rolling her eyes and waving a hand airily.

Sighing out loud I took out my phone and called Mira. "Hello Mira did you get all the things I asked you to bring?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay I have sent you the location come fast."

"Where have you sent Mira? And what is she bringing?" This chimpanzee has no patience whatsoever.

"She has gone to bring those items which will help you in your mission 'damage control'. It can even save your life."

Nodding my head I looked back down at my phone when suddenly I was wrapped in or rather squashed in a bear hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!... you are the best sis."

"Leave me you big boar, you are cutting off my air supply."

After crushing me for another few minutes he removed his arms and gave me a cheeky grin. Taking in large gulps of air I glared at the idiot sitting next to me. Hitting him would be useless considering his beefy frame so I went for the simple trick which can do my work. I continuously poked his stomach with my fingers only to see him jumping like a Jack in the box and muttering a sorry while trying to cover his stomach with his hands.

"Aah..... Ouch woman stop it . Please ....I am sorry."

After having enough of my revenge I took in a deep breath and looked at him, "I am not doing this for you I am doing it for myself . Shreya is going to be so angry on me when she realises that I am the one who gave up her location. And all of this can be avoided if you somehow manage to coax the anger out of her with your reasoning and when she won't be angry anymore, convincing her would be like a cakewalk."

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