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" Don't you know that good food paves the way to a man's heart ?"

" Trust me I do. But I also know that hunger and desperation may push the said man to spill the truth."

"Taking away the food from a poor, hungry man, how does it make you feel ?"

"Justified and satisfied."

" Okay fine I'll tell you the truth but promise me that you won't say anything or judge me till the time I am done talking."

" No promises it all depends on what's going to come out of your mouth."

Sighing a little, he stretched his hand and pointed towards the floor to ceiling glass doors which were currently draped by the the thick curtains.

" Your answer lies behind those curtains."

"Oh really? And what is it that I'll find behind these curtains ? That instead of a penthouse we are actually on a giant floaty just like those rubber ducks but a more futuristic one and are floating away to a different different dimension where you are a demi god who is taking back that one creature who was able to amuse his lordship more than anything else which he came across on his summer vacation on earth ? But wait if you are really a demi god then how old are you? Oh my god ! I kissed a man who is gazillion years older than me ? what will my ancestors say ? what if genetically speaking we both turn out to be cousins ? How many wives are you allowed to have ? I am already telling you I will not be with a man whose leash lies between his legs. I -"

Placing his one hand on my mouth and the other behind my neck he shut me up with a pained expression on his face.

" I am trying to figure out for the past ten minutes that who is more stupid between the two of us you for being this idiotic or me for finding you to be idiotic with a touch of cuteness. Come here with me with a finger on your lips."

Taking a hold of my pointer finger he placed it on my lips and pressed them against one another for good measure.

" Now if I hear a single word out of your mouth before I am done explaining then I'll kiss you so hard and deep that forget about your ancestors you'll even forget about your next breath."

Taking a hold of my hand he dragged me near the windows and pulled the curtains aside. The white sheet of snow which seemed to be covering everything to the point it rendered them shapeless, meaningless and blurred was in sharp contrast to the room in which we were currently standing. It seemed as if all the colours of the world had migrated inside the penthouse leaving the world colourless and lifeless.

A low gasp left my lips when my eyes fell on what appeared to be the top of a tree touching the ground under the weight of snow. The only thing which seemed to signal that the earth was still rotating on its axis were the fast falling chunks of snow and the gust of wind making the the beds of snow settled on the high tension wires to swing.

As a strong blast of wind toppled down the mass of snow sitting on of the branches of a tree, it made a chill settle in my nerves almost causing my body to shrink and shiver.

"What the-"

"Exactly my point."

With his hands folded across his chest he gave me a pointed stare as I tried to take in all the factors and put them in a logical sequence.

"The weather is terrifyingly bad. I am at your place. Joint these two sentences using logic."

"You are at my place because the weather is terrifyingly bad."

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