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I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to make sense of the black box kept infront of me. The letters "A" and "B" were etched on its lid and was decorated among a swirl of silver lines along with the mention  of a future date and a white lace ribbon with an amethyst stone in the centre adorned it. After contemplating for a few minutes I sighed and a small smile made its way on my face

 After contemplating for a few minutes I sighed and a small smile made its way on my face

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"That idiot...he managed to pull this off",
I thought. At the same time my phone rang, I accepted the call with a smirk on my face and said,"You put her between the devil and the deep sea by telling her to either stay with you or kill you and she decides to commit suicide by permanently shackling up herself to you by marrying you?"

" Deven, your soon to be bhabhi is taking her revenge by asking me to choose between hot pink and fuscia...I mean what is the difference man at the end of the day both are pink". Arjun sighed frustatedly . A boisterous laugh escaped me as I taunted, " You know karma is true what goes around comes around, you mocked others at their wedding and vowed that the only thing for which you'll ever enter a wedding for will be free food, free booze or to help a bride/groom in eloping, now look at you being a dutiful husband and helping your bride to be in planning your own wedding. "

He groaned loudly as he said," Shut up DEVI, I'll avenge myself on your wedding and listen you'll have to come back soon and help me, Shaurya is also coming back in a few days."
"First of all stop calling me with that godforsaken name and yes I'll try to wrap everything as fast as I can.....and Arjun congratulations you and Bani deserve all the happiness in the world , one more thing your wedding will happen either in one of our hotel's or haveli and no arguments on that gotta go now duty calls, bye."
And like the child he is ,he said, " As you wish my hukum. Bye take care my devi."
I huffed at that stupid name , as I picked up the invitation box and stared at the invitation cards . Arjun , Shaurya and I have been best friends since forever.  We are very close and those duffers have been with me through thick and thin.
Being the yuvraaj of Jaipur , I could not trust everyone because most of the people wanted to befriend me to use me and my title , but I know that if tomorrow I were to loose everything they both will still have my back.
Shaking my head , I called in my assistant Shlok and asked him if everything was ready for the meeting, "Your highness , our clients from The Rays are here along with Lucas knight from our rival company and your friend Mr. Vikram is here too."
" Good ,then let's go and how many times do I  have to tell you to just call me sir ." I asked him with a glare ,"OK, sorry sir" , he told me with a sheepish grin.

As soon as I entered the conference room all the eyes landed on me . I know the effect I have on people,  men get intimidated very easily what with my height and well built physique and women usually look at me with admiration or plain lust.To avoid any advances I do my part by keeping on my professional mask which is being cold and aloof.                                            I could feel the scrutiny in the eyes of my clients, the wariness and fake confidence on the part of the competing
team and as I looked at Lucas I could decipher a devious glint in his eyes and the over confident body language...something is off. I looked at Vikram who was in a brooding mood contrary to his usual goofy self.
Greeting everyone I gave a pointed look to Vikram trying to make sure if he was alright to which he just blinked which meant we'll talk later in our code language.
Lucas sent forward his team members to give the presentation,  who were looking scared . And as the presentation progressed I understood why they were so scared and why I felt that something was off it was so because they were fucking  brilliant ......and how could they not be because they were presenting our ideas ,they stole the presentation.  Each word coming out of their mouth was fueling my anger and as soon as they finished Lucas got up and clapped and had the audacity to raise an eyebrow and give me a smug smile.

I looked at Vikram who was equally confused and angry. I told him to wait and went to the adjoining rest room to think about how I was going to salvage my company's hardwork and reputation.  I looked at our client through the glass wall which was see through from my side but opaque for the people on the other side , the glint of approval regarding the presentation was shining clearly in their eyes.

That slimy weasel ....that was why he was so unbearably happy because he was sure that his plan would work , and right now I can't see a way out of this mess, if I will blame him without proof no one will believe me and it will reflect badly on our part DAMN IT .....and just as I was about to loose my control the door to the conference room opened with a bang and a woman entered clutching an....IV bag  in her hand

So that was the first chapter guys I hope you like it . My best friend vraj also helped me with editing and in figuring out my way....please do comment and let me know  what you guys think about about this chapter.

The updates will be slow in the beginning because this is my first time writing something like this and also my exams are getting closer and I have to study too, so kindly bear with me
Do vote if you appreciate my writing skills. Thankyou .

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