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The sheer panic which seemed to be radiating from his body had me stumped. His hands were gripping the bedsheets so tightly that his knuckles had turned white and the way he was trembling and his nerves were taut, hinted at the tension which had enveloped his body. While his red bloodshot eyes were reflecting his anger and vulnerability. Like a fish thrashing around to break free he seemed to be struggling to breathe freely.

"Dev...Deven what's the matter? What's happening?"

Flinging my handbag on a nearby chair, I kneeled beside his bed. As I tried to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, he smacked it away and tried to slide back into the head rest as much as possible as if trying to protect himself.

"Do..don' tou-ch S-stay back."

With frantic hand movements he tried to ward me off as if my very existence was the most imminent danger to him.

Keeping my eyes trained on him I took a few a cautious steps backwards.

"Ok..ok I will not come near you please calm down. I just want to help you, I won't...can't harm you..I promise......please just relax."

Though he relaxed his hold on the bedsheets, but his body was still trembling. Looking around I tried to look for something which could help me, help him.

"Deven, you need to calm down...look the door is open .... the room service people can walk in any time. You are safe...I swear,...I.. I promise I won't touch you.... just can you please listen to me? Yes?"

Using my gentlest tone, I tried to explain to him in the best manner possible. I am sure that he is having a fever because he is looking a bit dizzy and his eyes appear to be very heavy.

After looking at me through half closed eyes for some time his breathing started to return to normal but the distrust towards me had not vanished completely.

"Deven look there is a water bottle right beside you. Please have some water." With trembling hands, he picked up the bottle but instead of drinking it he looked at it for some time and then stared at me. Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to understand what's going on in his mind. And when it finally clicked my breath hitched and I could feel myself going pale.

"It's....the bottle is sealed. It is safe enough for you to have it."

After staring at the bottle for a few more seconds he licked his lips and finally had some water.

Getting a hold of my handbag I looked for a thermometer inside the first aid case.

"Deven can you please put this thermometer inside your mouth? See I am not coming near you...look I am keeping this near your feet...please take your temperature."

With wary and slow movements, he somehow managed to pull it towards himself and after wiping the bulb of the thermometer on his shirt he stuck it under his tongue and closed his eyes.

His face looked haggard and yet it retained its charm with his long eyelashes touching his high cheekbones. Dimly lit by the natural light creeping in through the open windows, the only sound which could be heard in the room being that of the rain drops hitting the windowpanes. As a gust of wind blew in, I could see a shiver run through Deven's body.

Tiptoeing across the room, I closed the shutters of the window and then switching on the dim lights I dragged a chair towards the entrance door and sat on it. The throbbing pain in my ankle and the aching muscles of my back would have very easily lulled me to a sleep but the condition of Deven had somehow shocked my brain to a state of numbness. I was working on autopilot mode with the only goal of helping him as much as possible. Resting my head against the wall I drew in a long, cold breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

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