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Stiles POV
The pack had just invited me to a pack meeting I dident want to go but I new that i had to, I couldn't live think like this. Ya know how people lie like, ' l haven't had a suicidal thought ever' well I'm not going to lie to myself any more

I don't think I can carry on in life.

I loved him so so much I couldn't lost him but he was gone.

I have to stop thinking and start writing.

I did all of that but I dident write what I was felling strate up I wrote more notes not kind notes to people, notes that show how much that person means to me.

—time skip ⏭—*because I can*

I was outside of the loft and I didn't want to talk to anyone, all that i wanted to do was see my brother Sam not dean at the time, I was thinking just ditch it, but I couldn't I had to move on in life for however much longer I can.
The door swings open and I walk in dipressed not looking ant anyone I dident care so I just said "fuckit" under my breth and grabbed a beer not caring what they all thought.

Scott's POV
What Just happened stiles grabbed a beer he has never done that before, ok let's just str— ink-ink "ink" I finally said and then I heard a silent hart spick I looked strate at stiles "what the hell you lookin at" "ink did you do something with Ink" I said hopefully he didn't know what I was thinking, but.....

Stiles POV
For some reason that comment made me so mad like I really don't know we're all of this anger came from. I took at swig of beer not flinching of how strong it it because it wasn't to me and I just grabbed the note book that I brang and rushed into the kitchen knowing that Scott or someone would follow me. But here's who I wouldn't expect.... Peter

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