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Peters POV
In every thing that was going on in that moment I knew he(stiles) would not want Scott or anyone else in the pack to se him so I went over to the kitchen and I saw stiles with his head in his hands he ha a knife to one side of him and the other side was the 2 necklaces that he has been warding also he was writing in a book.
I knew that this was my only chance to see what was wrong with him so I snuck up behind him and grabbed the 2 necklaces and knife and sat next to him.
"Grate I'm loosing everything to do with him know aren't I" he said as I actually felt concerned I look at the necklaces I ,was about to talk when he opened up to me about one thing "Yeah, Dean's necklace is a the Bull-Man, a Mesopotamian demon that helps people fight evil and chaos"

Stiles POV
Why is it that sentence that I said make me feel so bad "do you want to talk about" Peter says as I grab the knife, I node and I say "ya I do but, not hear and so can't tell anyone" he nodded in agreement and as I walk out of the house he grabbed my notes, Correction my suicidal letters. "Don't look at them know" I say to him as we are in the middle of the room we're the pack is as I'm walking out of the loft and then I turn around to see Derek had taken my beer and I walk over slap his are at my full power and before my drink hit the ground I grabbed out of the air "ow...." Derek said witch surprised the Whole pack but me and Peter just walked out of the house together.
Peters POV
We stoped walking after I finished reading all of the notes, letter, thank youse I don't know what they are "wha-" I was cut of but stiles looking around and the grabbed the knife out of his pocket and opened it but with skill lots of it, and then he threw it and walked over to the tree that he threw it at "can I trust you" he said to me as he slid his back down the tree"yes and I will not tell anyone if you don't want me to"

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