Not at school

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Stiles POV
After school me and coach talked for an hour about the call and he was actually there for me he found out that I have PTSD and I Told him that Scott and my whole friend group would never understand, also I told him that I was adopted it was Confusing at first for him and then I explained how dean was my brother and so was Sam and my "father" never wanted me to meet them because he felt that I would leave him, and I told him how i do want to leave him, leave this world and how the only people that care for him is his real family. He let me take a few days off

*At school 2 days later*
Coaches POV
Stiles should be back by know I know I hate the little shit but oddly I do understand and feel bad.
Class had just started and to be honest I was kind of worried about him I walked over to Scott who was staring at stiles desk
"Hey Scott" I said " have you seen stiles" he replied "you haven't seen him, he is probably visiting Sam" I say back to him "his friend"Scott replied "his bet friend" Lydia said to both of us "what I'm his best friend" Scott said mad "no Sam is not his best friend dean was and they aren't just friends there more family than you will ever be and you all don't know what he is feeling" I leave them there confused if how i defeated the little shit.
He missed that day of school I only said 2 days know it's 3.

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