Who is CAS

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Stiles POV
Scott cornered me into the wall when I iched my arm again seeing that there was a little bit burning,and it hurt a lot, I slipped under his arm, "shoot this is why I should have stade in hell" i say with quit abit of frustration in my voice "hell" "ya don't sound so concerned, can you rip of my sleeve" I say looking at him and then holding up my arm "ummm... ya ok" he ripped it of the. I new that he could se everyone's name, then cas walked in "cas" I say running up to him and hugging him then he ripped of my shirt less force than Scott "your mad at me to" I say looking at him "no I'm not mad I'm just glad that you did this for, I dident get to se it during hunting because your had on your coat"

"My coat  did you bring it I left it at the bunk..." I turn to see Scott who can see my 6 pack and all of my tattoos "hello my name is castiel I'm an-" I put my hand over his mouth he looks at me and wink "stiles when did you get so riled and have all oh those meaning less tattoos everywhere" he said to me yes mad but confused as well I took my hand of cas's mouth "you really did it know wolfie" cas says as he takes my sholders from the front "sti what are you" cas asked me "not a hero" cas smiles you make your brother proud now you can ether tell your little 'friend' about everything or you can just kill him" "can I tell him then kill him" cas smiles "you really are related to dean" the smile turn into a frown "Cas I'm sorry I know that I killed dean" he looks at me fast "what no you didn't, he was ripped apart by a hellhound, I know your sorry an I'm still trying to get him back"  Scott then touches my arm the his vains turned dark red "your in pain" Cas said " I dident right suicidal notes for nothing" I say as I fall into cas's arm with a hug "why did you put your had over this cas's mouth, before he said something" I get out of his arms and I walk over to "to be honest I'm debating to just rip you apart right know, but I know that dean would want you to know what cas is before I kill you" I walk over to phone put on an extra shirt and get a picture (the picture on the top of dean and cas)
"Left dean, right cas" I saw holding up the picture "who is cas" Scott said to me i look at him and he doesn't know dean loved him, I thought that he did but he needs to know "cas.is.the.. only true person to love my brother, and my brother is the one true person to love cas, they were best friends, sure one punched people and the other punch him but they were best friends cas admitted his feeling but dean, dean he was about to tell him how he felt to but it never happened it was to late" I look over at cas "is this true" cas asked me I nodded, he just hugged me, I hugged him back "thank you for telling me this that puts so much relief on my heart,  o ya and little alpha we will tell you everything when the time comes" cas hands me my trench coat and I slip it on we walked ou the door but cas thru something at me when i was looking at Scott I caught it "is this" "deans gun*finishes my sentence*, he would want you to have it"

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