Im not a hero lyd's

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Stiles POV
I was back at school that today and I felt so much better I went to se Sam, Bobby, Cas.
I walked into class, Scott came up to me to but I just swerved him in front of me and came up to coach "he coach I'm sorry I was visiting family" I said with a wink " that's ok stiles I understand what you going through, did you see Cas and Bobby as well" "ya I did it was really nice, I have only had one suicidal thought"I replied back to him knowing that the pack heard the end of what I said and why I said it to coach of all people "thats grate stiles I'm glad that your feeling better, and that's 12 less thoughts than last time" he gave me a high five after that The Who class was looking at me well one the pack heard the thoughts and 2 i my or may not have a new tattoo on my hand  that the tape stuff is sticking out it's D.W, and with that I looked at the class glared at Scott and sat at my normal seat.
"Were where you" Scott asked glancing down at my hand then I held it up "o, I went  to get this at my..... friends house, and to be honest my body herts because of the other one" "other one, and suicidal thought "he says back "you will find out when I leave, *I lean over to him* for good"
I smirk my famous smirk that this whole school knows "why are you acting like you are a hero or something" Lydia asked I quickly looked at her faster than I should have "O, I'm not a hero, believe me Lyd's" I winked at her and went back to looking outside because the no point in listening to the lesson, I would be back in hell soon anyway, rubbing my shoulder where cas's hand print is poling up my sleeve and Scott looks at me sees the handprints and my tattoo that goes down the side of my arm
J.W and M.W for my parents o and J for jo my brother deans first love of his life ( second is cas) with a little. Heart next to the J out of all of and then it says in tiny words up by the handprint "RIP the people I love" Scott says and I realized that he could se all of the letters on my arm and poled my sleeve down fast "*sniff* I told you I'm no hero" I whisper to scott, and I can tell he wants to talk later.

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