Parish killed dean

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Stiles POV
*pack meeting*

"Sorry I was late I had to get dropped of by.., what's up" everyone was starting at me Intensely, until Derek came over "sti take of your shirt or I will rip it of, Scott told us what was there" he flashed his blue eyes at me but I just started him dead in the eyes not flinching and started walking towards him he back up. Then then I stoped and looked at him "I will show you, if you tell me if you now someone" he nodded in as I took of my jacket and then "what..." Lydia nodded "why is there so much death around you" everyone looked at me except I'm dead in my eyes this time "*sniff, sniff* long story" I replied back this time I had the bandage al, down my arm so no one could see it but I continued and took of my shirt "what are you" Scott asked flashing his eyes "oooo-, ya that flashing eye this is useless" I say as I start to unrap my arm from the bottom up as on initial after the other appears, some that still have on the tape for a new tattoo and the thing that stands out the most is the hand print "that hand print is the hand print of someone that was polled out of hell" everyone looked at me I close my eyes and say " do you want to meet the angel that put it there" Liam nodded " before he comes can Derek come here" he nodded I he walked over i whispered in his ear "you know who the Winchesters are" " ya I do the most feared name in the supernatural world" "what are the parents names" " John and Mary" I nodded pointed out my arm and pointed to J.W and M.W and then I ripped of the tape on my hand and it said Dean Winchester i dident get the Initials for dean because he meaned that much to me" "your a Winchester"I wink and I say "CAS" well more like yell " good you told them now go and kill Parish" he popped up right behind Liam and cas just touches his forehead and he falls asleep and he throws the only thing that can kill a hellhound and I catch it with ease, at this point every one Is very confused "I will just say it, I'm a Winchester, and Parish killed my brother Dean" everyone let's out a gasp.
Then Sam barges through the door why are you still going to kill him if cas already polled him out of hell" "he did what, fine I won't kill him, why did you want me to still kill him if you poled him out already cas" I ask him "he killed him" cas added. Me and Sam rolled out eyes "when he comes back we will force you two to kiss" me and Sam say at the same time. The pack was just standing there like they had seen a Ghost as we walk out.
I think they new that the sties the knew was gone and he wasn't coming back.

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