The call

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————————————————————————————*At school*
Stiles POV
It started out as a normal day, well. As normal it will get for your brother was killed by a hellhound, and your trying to avoid at who pack of ware wolfs that can smell the ink of the tattoo that you got for honoring you dead brother.
"STILES,STILES" I was snapped out of my trance,
Then my phone went of, before I could grabit coach did "who is bitch" he says at my know confused face "do you mean Jerk or assbutt" I say to him and then he shows me the phone Bitch🐿 it read "bitch, * I answer the phone* who are you and why do you have deans phone, and before you say anything like I am dean you can't be him. He's dead." Know all eyes are on me at least the ones that weren't already, coach took my phone and then put it up to his ear "stiles, I'm useing deans phone because mine broke I got the voice mail you sent me and please I know that you are heart broken about his death I loved him to but really taking your li-" I heard taking and I immediately grabbed the phone and threw it agent the chalk board, leaving coach sanding there in disbelief about bout the last words " Stiles can I talk to you in the hall or a sec." I say nothing I just walk over to the chalk board and pick up my phone I and then i threw it in the trash can as I trew it in the trash I *sniffed* "can we just forget those last words" I say to him "I don't know if I can stiles, but we can talk in the locker room at the end of the day" he said with concerning eyes "ya let's do that but can't I call him back" I say looking down "who is him" "deans brother" I say still looking down but this time  I smile abit " why are you smiling" he said to me " o it's nothing know that I thinking about it he died doing what he loved" "witch was" "whoa lots of questions ok well he was a hunter, but not normal things *glances at Scott* can I go call know" "ya and I will want to talk to you after about some of the words the where in that call" I nodded and then ran to get to my bag and grabbed my real phone not my back up that had dean Sam, Bobby, Cas and everyone like that and my knife witch I'm shore Lydia only saw those things and then a ran out of the room and then I heard "stiles are you ok" it was Lydia "ya why" I said not turning around "well because your friend died by 'hunting'" "he wasn't just a friend he was my best friend, and he did die from hunting" "I thought Scott was your best friend" "well I guess he is not" I walk ok put my phone up to my ear and say "hey Cas can you send me back to hell, I don't like my handprint on my shoulder anymore and also I got the tattoo dean wanted me to get" knowing that Lydia heard all of that I walked away with ease.

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