whatever it takes

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Gabriel stood inside the hall. He looked at dark blue haired woman next to him and said: "we did it Nathalie. Chat noir and Ladybug's miraculous are ours." He showed the ring and earrings on his hands.

As an answer Nathalie just smiled. Did he just imagine it or was her smile fake? Gabriel faced her worriedly, "Are you okay?" Tears in Nathalie's eyes shined like little stars when she turned away. "Yeah..." she answered silently, "I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout me- sir".

"Are you crying?"

He heard little sigh, sigh what she tried to disguise as laugh. "Just for happiness, sir!" She answered quickly and turned back with big smile on her face.... too big. "O-okay. And by the way you can call me Gabriel... my dear."

His words hurt her even more. How could he call her like that? Just for now. "Alright, I will... Gabriel" Nathalie whispered. She didn't want her voice to crack.

"Can I go now?" She asked, "my work is done... And I need a little rest and some time on my own... and now you can-" she couldn't continue. Words were too painful to express, "Never mind."

"Yeah... yeah. Sure! And thank you Nathalie, for everything!"

"Your welcome... see you later!".

Slowly Nathalie walked away and left Gabriel alone. Right after she closed the door behind her, she broke down. One single tear rolled down on her cheek. "My work is done..." she repeated, "he doesn't need me anymore".

Gabriel shrugged and walked to his office where he went down to the secret basement.
He shook away the feeling that he should have turn back and walk after her, "No Nathalie can wait..." he whispered to himself, "I've been waiting this for so long".

Blonde haired man bended and set all the miraculous down, front of him. One by one he called little kwamis out. "Master..." it was Nooro's voice.


Purple kwami went silent. Slowly he nodded.

"Listen everyone!" Gabriel said, "I have a wish". He pointed his wife, Emilie. " I wish to bring back my wife, Emilie Argeste" he pronounced her name slowly, "She needs to be healthy".

"Every wish has a price" small voice told him, "are you ready to pay it?"

"I would do anything to get her back. Whatever it takes"

Gabriel saw little light and Nathalie appeared front of him. "Sir what's goi-" The woman began to gasp her breath.

The price- Nathalie is the price... It can't be.. thoughts flew around Gabriel's head.

Nathalie fell on her knees. She looked at him comfortingly and nodded. Gabriel wanted to run to her, but he couldn't. This would be the end of the story and new beginning for another one. The one with his wife and son. The better one, right?

Gabriel closed his eyes. He couldn't look at the dying woman. Warm wave came through him. He heard little thump next to him and then there was just silence. He could have heard the needle fall.

Deep breath broke the silence. It were in some pretty strange and unknown but at the same time very familiar voice. He haven't heard it for years.

He opened his eyes and looked straight at his wife's green eyes. Gabriel tore the glass off and helped Emilie out.

Emilie looked at his husband little confusedly. "Ga-Gabriel" she breathed heavily, "Where I am?"

"You are awake and safe now, Emilie".

"What happe-" woman's sentence cut off, when she saw her friend, Nathalie lying on the floor.... Lifeless... "Gabriel... What have you done.." she asked, voice shaking.

"She was the price" Gabriel answered like he had just woken up, "I missed you! I needed you back, whatever it took." The last sentence was left hanging on the air.

Emilie looked at her husband, the expression on her face was blend of angry, scary and sadness. She couldn't believe this truth.

"You... You killed her?!" She almost yelled, "She is dead... Don't you understand? You took the life from someone else..."

Emilie didn't want to look at him anymore, so she walked to Nathalie's body and swallowed. "Thank you Nathalie for all your sacrifices. I'm sorry that this happened in that way," she nodded, "be safe". After she have said those words, Emilie turned away and left.

Emilie's words hit Gabriel like a truck. For few seconds he couldn't even breath. His wife haven't risen her voise to him earlier... Not like that...
He sighed sadly. This was all he wanted, right? So why he felt so empty? "I'm sorry Nathalie..." He whispered. Gabriel bit his lip and closed his eyes. He hoped he wouldn't cry.

"Father..." Adrien's voice said behind him, "what have you done..?" Young boy's voice broke to tears.

"Oh Adrien." Gabriel tried to touch his hand, but Adrien pulled away, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Boy screamed.

"Adrien... I wa-"


"What are you talking about?"

"She was the price," he almost whispered this time, "someone who you love..."

"Who told you that?" Gabriel asked in fright. "It doesn't matter," Andrien sniffed. Gabriel could see at his eyes that boy had loved Nathalie. He had took her away from him.

"I'm going with my mother, before you kill her too.." Young boy said. Gabriel haven't seen his son like that earlier. After her mother left, Adrien had a little hope that she was coming back. Nathalie couldn't.

Gabriel looked at his son's eyes when he left them alone... again.

"What did I do..." Gabriel sobbed.

Adrien was right. Now he saw it, he loved Nathalie. His feet gave up and he fell on his knees. "What did I do? What were I thinking?" Tears fell down on his cheeks.

"Come back to me!" Gabriel screamed in pain and took Nathalie's body against his chest.

"I love you! why didn't I notice it before..." last sentence was like porridge. He kissed woman's left hand and put it against his cheek, it was still warm, but not like it used to be.

"I can't live without you... I didn't see it earlier, but now I do-" He couldn't speak anymore.

She is gone now and it's all my fault..!


A/N I'm sorry this is little more sad than I first thought. (I didn't mean to kill her). I promise next one will have the happy end!

I planned to put this little later, but I've been little busy and this

I still hope you liked it.


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