please say my name pt 2

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"Nathalie, it's me Gabriel, this is Adrien... We are your family," well just technically, but it wasn't lie, she haven't ever told them anything about her family and she lived with them, so... "My family? What do you mean?"

Gabriel heard little sigh beside him, it was Adrien. Older man looked at his son and could see the broken expression on his face. "I'm sorry but I don't really know you," the look of her eyes shifted to Adrien and her expression turned soften, "you don't just remember," young boy murmured. Gabriel felt bad for him, if Adrien really considered this woman as his mother had he took her away from him, just because of Emilie?

Nathalie looked pensive, "maybe you can make me to remember". Gabriel knew it, the woman did this just because of Adrien, she didn't even believe them... or did she? Believe or not, it worked, Adrien looked little bit happier. Even when she didn't remember anything she could make them feel better. Oh god what would we do without her?

"Adrien go to search some doctor and tell them that Nathalie is awake. I will talk to her little bit," boy's face turned little disappointed but he nodded and walked to the door, "Yes father!"

When Adrien had went, Gabriel looked at her, "he is your son," Nathalie said and rose his another eyebrow. As an answer he nodded quickly, "how old is he and how he knows me?" Maybe she really wanted to know everything. "He is 15 years old and you. You are like a mother to him. You have been the closest mother figure he had had for years..."

Dark haired woman nodded, "Mother figure? Are we two together or something?" I hope we would... "you are my assistant and friend," he answered. Nathalie let out little laugh, "I think I've heard that sentence before, in someway it is something so familiar". Gabriel hadn't heard her laughing for so long time, even when it was sarcastic he liked it.

It had been a week and Nathalie could finally be demobilized. Gabriel had called to Gorilla like 15 minutes ago, who was now waiting for them. Carefully Adrien and Gabriel helped for Nathalie to walk with her crutches.

Gabriel followed when Adrien helped her to sit on their car and then sat beside her. Gabriel himself moved to first-seat.

No-one could promise if she will remember or not, but at least she trusted them again. "It's like 10 - 20 minutes and we're there. It depends of traffic," Adrien commented on. Gabriel knew it, Adrien needed her back, and so did he.

He had finally realised what Nathalie had told him about Adrien and how he missed his father. If worry and fear of losing Nathalie is not counted, Adrien had been almost happier with him than he was usually. Shit I'm so blind...

"There it is!" Adrien cut off his thoughts. Gabriel hadn't even realised how quickly they had come there. "You told me that your house is big, but I didn't realise it is the mansion!" It was Nathalie's voice. Gabriel smiled slightly and opened the door of the car.

When Gabriel saw her it felt like his heart had skipped a beat. "Oh my. NATHALIE!" He cried out. The blonde man ran to her and looked at Nathalie's pale face, "Nathalie, please say something," he begged and clapped her cheek lightly.

Please not again...

He looked at the lying woman. "No no! Answer, please!" His breath was blocked for a few seconds, "please say my name and this time remember who I am!"

His eyes broke open. Every night the same nightmare. He had saw her lying there all over again, it was haunting him. He didn't hope anything but she was going to be alright and-
someone knocked to the door. Who it would be?

"Come in, it's open," Gabriel answered through it and was prepare to see Adrien's worry face, but for his surprise it wasn't him. He looked up and his blue eyes met Nathalie's. "You called me". He let his head fell against his hand, while sitting up to edge of his bed and trying not to show his emotions, "I'm sorry, I woke you up," he apologised. "Don't worry," dark haired woman answered, while limping beside him. She didn't have her crutches. The same stubborn she normally had... "I was just wondering the time. It's 2 am. Are you some kind of night owl?" She didn't laugh, smile or anything. Nathalie kept the serious expression on her face, and made Gabriel to thought that she would understand what he was feeling.

"No I didn't... Actually it was a nightmare," he sighed, after little time. "Nightmare about me?" Nathalie asked, the expression in her face had turned little bit confused.
Gabriel shook his head, "No, not you, it was... it was of losing you..."

"Oh..." he heard her voice. For his surprise, she didn't sound surprised, disappointed or anything like it, just like she understood. "You loved her- I mean me... Didn't you?" That was the question what he didn't expect. When Gabriel looked at her clear blue eyes, he made a choice. What would be the benefit of lying? So he nodded, "Yes, yes I did, do... I- whatever..."

She let out a little breath what was meaning that she understood, "What about sh- me?" She asked soon, "did I love you?" Gabriel didn't know should this consideration made him feel bad or relaxed. He hadn't talk like this with anyone, for so long time. "I don't know," he answered after thinking, "you never told me". Blonde haired man felt his voice cracking.

"Don't worry, maybe we will find out," Nathalie comforted and put her hand on his shoulder. "I hope so..." Gabriel whispered.

It felt little bit strange to talk about herself without that she could even tell how it really was. Nathalie tried her best to comfort him and got her memories back. If everything they told was really true... Her head was such a mess. Had she loved him? Probably.

The strange little feeling at her body, when she was sitting there just talking with him. In some way The woman enjoyed when she could comfort him. Was it some kind of care, or did she just felt so thankful for him...? Ughh stupid mind...

"Try to sleep," she told to Gabriel, "you need some rest. For a week you have looked after me, so put your head to pillow and close your eyes," when he took some kind of puppy eyes Nathalie continued, "I will wait till you fall asleep".

It didn't take so long, when Gabriel was sleeping. His chest went up and down while he was breathing. "Good night Gabriel Agreste," Nathalie whispered when she hardly stood up. As quietly as possible she limped out of the room, trying not to let out any voice, because of the pain on her leg. It was going to be better, but walking without her crutches was little bit stupid.

When she get to her room, Nathalie sighed in relief. She hadn't woke anybody up.

I'm sorry this took so long. My school started at last week and I've been little bit busy and tired.But here it is and I hope you liked it. I thought there would still be the third part of it.

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