please say my name

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"Yes, sir!" Nathalie walked out of his room with her tablet on her hands. She had left his coffee there and next she should cancel Gabriel's meeting.

Nathalie headed to his office, the office where her desk was too. She didn't have time to take more than few steps when she started to feel sick. Her head felt so heavy and she was about to fall with every steps. You will make it, when you're at office you can sit down. Nathalie told herself inside her head.

For her bad luck she step past and fell. Nathalie's head hit struck with force against something hard. With every second the world went more dark, she didn't even know where she were. Nathalie didn't understand anything anymore and slowly closed her eyes.

Gabriel's phone rang, "Where are you Mr. Agreste?" Voice asked. "Where I should be?" He felt confused. Did he forgot something? Or was there something what Nathalie didn't tell for him. "The meeting started like fifteen minutes ago... Did you forget it. We talked about it on last week".

Gabriel almost dropped his phone. Nathalie should have cancel it. Neglect some work tasks? It wasn't typical for her at all. "Mr. Agreste are you still there?" Gabriel shook his head, "I got something else, excuse me," he ended the call. Something wasn't right.

"NATHALIE!" He yelled. Gabriel didn't know should he be worried or did she just forgot, "NATHALIE COME HERE NOW!". No answer. Did she go somewhere or- fear took over him. Had she collapsed somewhere or took the peacock miraculous with risking her life again? He didn't know what he scared the most. He headed out of the room and-

When Gabriel saw her it felt like his heart had skipped a beat. "Oh my. NATHALIE!" He cried out. The blonde man ran to her and looked at Nathalie's pale face, "Nathalie, please say something," he begged and clapped her cheek lightly. He couldn't shook her because it would break something and hurt her even more, nor go to get some help because he couldn't leave her alone. Gabriel didn't know what to do, the shock took over him.

He didn't even hear how Adrien came home, "hey da-" Gabriel didn't notice him until he put his hand on his shoulder, "Father!" Older man turned his look at his son, "Call the ambulance, quickly. She fell on stairs".

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours. He didn't even know did she breath, why I didn't hear anything? Why I couldn't help her? When did this happen?

Gabriel was sitting at waiting room of the hospital. He couldn't remember when or how he had end up there. He didn't remember anything between the ambulance call and that moment. Had nurse visit? What had he said to people?

"I can't lose an another mother too," it was Adrien's voice. He felt Adrien's warm body against his own. Young boy was sitting beside his father with tears in his eyes. Gabriel put his hands around him, trying to comfort both of them.

He hadn't even realised how much that woman meant to him. Even thought of loosing her or Adrien hurt him more than he could believe. "Nathalie won't leave us," he whispered, after long silence, "she knows how much she means to you, to me, to us. She fights even if others has lost their hope," he wiped away one of Adrien's tears.

Nathalie if in way or an another you can hear my voice, my thoughts. Please don't leave us. You don't even know how much Adrien needs you. HOW MUCH I NEED YOU! When you will wake up, I'll finally tell you that I.. Care about you, tell you that I love you.

He knew it, Nathalie couldn't hear his thoughts, but he would lost nothing with trying. Trying, he owned it to Nathalie.

Gabriel couldn't shook away the feeling that this was his fault. If she hadn't use the peacock miraculous, she would be healthy. "This is my fault, Adrien..." Gabriel said and let his head fall a little bit. "What do you mean?"

"I saw it, she was tired and sick and I let her go to work, even when I knew she needed the rest. If something bad happens because of this I can't forgive myself..." Older Agreste felt his son's eyes looking at him, "Don't blame yourself dad," he answered, sooner than Gabriel had thought, "you didn't push her down or anything, it was her on choice to go to the work. Yeah you made a mistake, but we all do," Gabriel saw sad smile on his face, "and like you told earlier: Nathalie will survive!"

"Are you Gabriel and Adrien Agreste?" Old woman interposed. "Yes we are," Gabriel answered while nodding and turning his look at her. Small piece rose in his throat, was everything alright? "You are Nathalie Sanceur's next of kin?" New nod. "Follow me, she hadn't wake up yet, but you can see her already". Both of them almost jumped up and started to follow her.

"That's it," nurse told them, when she stopped front of small room, "if anything strange happens, call us," after saying this she walked away.

Carefully Gabriel and Adrien stepped inside. When Gabriel saw her, he felt like he could cry. Nathalie sleeping there, so peacefully with head restraint and big support bandage on her left leg. "Oh my little Nathalie," he whispered.

Seeing her eyes to open was the best moment for a while. The blue eyes looking at him and Adrien. "You are awake," he said with relief. Nathalie's face turned confused, "Where I am?" Her voice tone was almost commanding.

"You are at hospital, my love. You fell on stairs and hit your head," Nathalie's expression went even more confused, "my love? Are some kind of doctors? You don't look like it". Gabriel let out a little laugh, "really funny Nathalie!"

"No seriously, who are you two?" She started to acting like she was scared, "I don't know you!"

It had happened... Something what Gabriel hadn't even scared. Nathalie didn't remember them. Not him, not Adrien. Did she remember even herself?


To be continued...

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