if she has inherited even half of her mother-

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As background information:

Nathalie and Gabriel have three years old daughter, named Annette.
Little girl fell sick and go to hospital.

Nathalie sat on little chair. Her whole body was shaking and she bit her nails. Nathalie haven't done it for years, but at that moment she couldn't control herself.She looked at the wall and flash back came to her.

Nathalie heard little coaching behind her. "Annette are you alright?" She asked worriedly while walking to her daughter.

"No.." Annette moaned, "it's cold, I'm dizzy and my head hurts." Nathalie pulled her hand on Annette's forehead and gasped. Her skin was burning up and her face was pale like a sheet.

Deep blue haired woman took her daughter in her arms and carried her on bed. "Wait here sweetheart, I'll be back." She whispered and stroke little girl's head. Ann didn't even answer.

Nathalie looked around. "Adrien," She called when she saw someone moving outside of the room.

"Yeah. Is everything okay?"

"Just look after your little sister I'll go to your father. If anything strange happens shout out..."

Adrien didn't ask anything, he just nodded and walked beside Annette.

Nathalie walked out of the room for finding Gabriel. After closing the door her coolness fell. Nathalie took the deep breath and broke into tears. She has been sick earlier, but it wasn't nothing like that. Something was wrong...


Gabriel walked back and forth in the corridor. He looked at Nathalie who looked like she was going to cry again.

"It's all my fault..." it was the only sentence what she said before she started to sobb. Gabriel looked at his wife hopeless feeling inside of him and walked to her.

"Nothing is your fault," he told to her and pulled her on his lap.

"It is... I-I used the peacock miraculous during the pre-pregnancy." He held her even tighter. "Now she has gotten the same sickness which I had an-and-"

"Don't blame yourself my dear," Gabriel said and looked at her wet and blue eyes, "This little girl is fighter, just like you. If she has inherited even half of her mother she will survive". Gabriel felt little nod against his chest.

"She will survive", Nathalie repeated silently. She is stronger than anyone could even guess.

She felt Gabriel stroking her hair. It was so warm and soft so she laid her head against his body and somehow she fell asleep.

"Honey wake up". That was the voice what pulled her back to nowadays and awake, "the nurse visited".

"Shit," Nathalie whispered, "I shouldn't have fell asleep... What did they say? Is she going to be alright? Wh-"

"Nat look at me, breath," Gabriel cut her off, "first of all you deserved the sleep, my love you haven't sleep for days. Secondly he told me that Ann has a pneumonia, it was squealed of flu, so it wasn't your fault. And last but not at least yeah she is going to be okay, actually we can go to see her now".

Tears of happiness rose on her eyes. She hugged her husband tightly and jumped up. Gabriel stood up next to her and grabbed her hand.

Hand in his hand Nathalie walked at the hospital room where their daughter was inside.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" Little girl exhausted when they walked there. "Oh sweetheart," Nathalie whispered when she walked to her. Annette spread her hands like waiting the hug. Nathalie swiped one tear away and hugged her.

Gabriel walked there after his wife. He leaned down and hugged Annette too. "Daddy?" she whispered during the hug.

"Yeah Ann?" He asked quietly.

"Why is mommy so sad?" Little girl sounded worried, "She is crying".

Gabriel pulled little bit away and looked at her eyes. "Oh Annette," he said and smiled to her, "Mommy's not sad, she is just so happy to see you".

Annette looked little bit confused but nodded the, "okay daddy!" She smiled for both of them. "How you're feeling?" Asked Nathalie.

"That was fun," Ann laughed, "kind uncle gave me a lollypop because I was so breezy!"

They did not have time to answer when Annette started to laugh. "Andy!" For some reason she had always called her big brother like that.

"Hello sunshine!" Gabriel heard Adrien's voice. "Look what I brought".

"WOW BUNNY!" Older man looked at Adrien who was holding little soft toy on his hand.

"Say thank you," Nathalie said beside him. Gabriel felt weight of her head oh his shoulder.

"Thank you so much!"

Less than week later, everything was normal. Gabriel looked out of the window, when his wife started the car with both of his kids on back seat. They both waved to him to goodbyes when Nathalie drove out of the home yard.

At evening they all would sit together around the dining table and everything would be perfect.

Sorry this was little bit shorter! Hope you still liked it

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