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Nathalie could saw it. Gabriel was angry about something. "Sir-," she started "what's wrong?" Right after asking she felt him pushing her away, "Nothing".

"Something is bothering you. Just tell me, I will help you," She tried to smile at him, but he turned his back on her.

"I don't need your help, I'm fine without you!" He yelled at her. Nathalie didn't know why, but it was hurting.

"What do you mean?" Her voice was shaking, "did I-" Gabriel cut her off, "you are useless!" It made tears rose on her eyes. Useless... I'm useless, he doesn't care.

"Nathalie leave me alone! I don't want to see-"

Nathalie didn't say anything anymore she didn't even listen till the end, just turned away and walked to the door. Tears started to fall on her cheeks. What she had done wrong? Her boss, the mas she wanted to love her hated her, she was sure about it. Nathalie opened the outdoor and started to run. She didn't know where she was going but it didn't matter she just wanted go somewhere far apart.

Raindrops fell on Nathalie's face just like her tears. After few seconds she was soaking wet. Her whole body was shaking. She was cold, her heart was broken and no one cared.

Nathalie found little place next to old building where she had never seen anyone. She walked towards it and but her back against stone wall. Blue haired woman didn't know what to do anymore, so she let her whole body to fall on the ground when she started to sobbing hysterical.

"Heartless..." Nathalie murmured, "that's what I should be. So why my heart breaks time and time again?"

Gabriel didn't know why he had yelled at her. She haven't done anything wrong. He closed his eyes and took deep breath. Something made him hit the wall and walk to his office. Maybe akumasing someone would made him feel better.

"Nooroo dark wings rise!" He yelled when he was at the room where he always terrorised Paris. There was very powerful despair and anxious on the air.

That would be Hawkmoth's most powerful akuma. He was about to send one of his butterflies to evilies her when he realised who it was.

"NATHALIE..." His rod fell on the floor, "what did I do?" He stepped back and thought all the words what he had said to her.

"Nooroo dark wings fall!"

"Everything alright, Master? You look little bit upset..." Gabriel looked at little kwami and sighed, "I did something stupid..." he closed his eyes and pulled his fingers through his hair, "I said bad things I didn't mean and-and I hurted Nathalie, badly".

"Then go after her, Master!" Nooroo said, "tell her how you really feel." Gabriel opened his eyes and looked at purple kwami. Why didn't he realise it by himself? "Thank you Nooroo".

He took his jacket and ran out. Gabriel had to find Nathalie but she could be anywhere and the raining and darkness didn't make it easier.

First he looked at park beside the Agreste mansion, she wasn't there. Then he checked her apartment, not there either when he didn't find her at Eiffel tower he started to get worried. Where could she be?

"NATHALIE!" He yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU!? PLEASE, ANSWER!" He had felt her emotions so she was still in Paris and alive... but where she could be?

For his lucky he ran past of the old building. Someone was beside it. He walked closer and saw who it was; he had found her. "Nathalie?" Gabriel started carefully.

The woman didn't look at him, she just pulled her legs against her chest. Gabriel bit his bottom lip. He could see how Nathalie's whole body was shaking. He didn't know was it because of crying or cold, maybe both.

"I've been looking for you," he said to her, "you made me really worried". Slowly Nathalie rose her look at him. She was pale, her eyes were red and swollen because of crying and her lips, those were blue. There wasn't almost anything left of her bun.

"Wo-worried?" She asked voice shaking, "but yo-you didn't wanna see me..." Gabriel leaned down and put his hand under her chin. "Oh my dear Nathalie," he sighed, "I'm sorry for everything what I said... I didn't mean any word".

She sniffed, "really?" As an answer Gabriel nodded, "I want you, I need you. You have never been useless and you won't ever be. Nathalie you are the most caring person I know..." he looked at the beautiful blue eyes, "I don't want to lose you Nathalie..."

He stood up and pulled her up with him. Carefully Gabriel hugged her. "Let's go home," he whispered. "Ye-yes". Nathalie's body shook and her teeth grinded. "Wait a second," Gabriel said and pulled away.

He took his jacket off and put it on her shoulders. "I can't take this," Nathalie whispered when Gabriel closed the toppest button. "What if I command you? Nathalie you are freezing."

Before she had time time to said a word Gabriel lifted her into his arms and started to walk. "Gabriel pu-put me down. I c-can walk by myself," she said.
"No!" Gabriel answered and smirked.

He felt how Nathalie put her head against his neck and he smiled.

Quickly Gabriel walked over to Nathalie's apartment, "Wait Gabe.." she whispered, he plaid like he haven't heard her and just continued his walking. "Gabriel Agreste! Where you are taking me?"

"At home," Gabriel replied like it was obvious. "But I don't live there, we just passed my home". The man let out little laugh, "you are not sleeping there tonight". He could feel her confusion, "You will sleep at Agreste mansion. I want to make sure you are okay and-" He didn't say the last part of sentence, I want you to sleep next to me. Something made him to stop.

"A-and what?" She asked. "Nothing... Nothing..."

He was lying on his bed. For some reason Gabriel couldn't sleep without her, not at that night. Before he even noticed he was on the door of Nathalie's room.

Noiselessly he opened the door and looked inside. "Gabriel? What are you doing?" It was to late to retreat. He didn't know was it better or worse when she was awake.

"I couldn't sleep," he told to her because lying would be worthless. Nathalie waved for Gabriel to came to her. When Gabriel had sat on her bed she hugged him, "it's okay".

Gabriel felt himself like a little child. For the first time for so long it felt good to be helpless. He kissed at Nathalie's forehead.

When she didn't do anything about it he put his lips against hers. There it was, the kiss full of love and passion. He hadn't felt anything like that for years. Her lips tasted like strawberries, xylitol and some lip palm she used.

"Can I sleep here with you?" He asked when they pulled apart, "I want to be here with you". Gabriel saw little smile on her face when she nodded.

He couldn't remember when he had slept as well as he slept at that night.

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