don't hurt her

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I'm trying to write in the first person of the unit.
So whole story is at Nathalie's pov.

Let's see how this works.

This story is kind of inspired by Instagram user Hawkmayura's fanart. And I wanted to make my own version of it.

I'm looking at the man beside me. He has lost again and now I'm just waiting for the fit of rage. When he squeezes his hands into fist, I take little breath and rise my hands to calm him down.

"Hawkmoth..." He turns his look at me. I lean my back against the wall and look at his grey eyes, he opens his mouth to say something when there happen something we didn't expect, "Don't hurt her Hawkmoth!" Chat noir, the owner of black cat miraculous is standing there, all alive. He looks at us with angry and worry in his eyes. I hear Hawkmoth laughing, "poor little cat. What if I will?"

"You will pay the terrible price". I close my eyes while listening this conversation, here we go... what's next?

I feel someone to pull me in his arms and jump. I don't even need to guess who the someone is. I open my eyes and look down. We are on some building roof. Of course... What were I even expecting?

"PUT HER DOWN HAWKMOTH! PLEASE!" Hawkmoth stops and we both are looking at the begging Chat noir. Why does he care so much about me? "Well if you will give me your miraculous!" Hawkmoth is talking now and I have to wait. If I do anything, it would risk my dual identity as Mayura.

I can feel it, neither of them do know what to do. I have the same problem, should I scream in fear or something? No. That would make things even more complicated..

"Put her down and fight like a man!" Chat noir yells after long silence, "or are you coward who can't face some teenager". I'm cursing quietly, when Hawkmoth's hands start to shake because of anger.

He drops me on the roof, what makes me to I wince in pain. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, but it still happened. "You son of a bitch, she got hurted!" Chat noir yelled. I haven't seen him so angry before. "No! Stop," I say weakly and stood up hardly, "I'm fin-" I don't continue till the end when I see Hawkmoth's expression. I sigh and limp to the roof edge.

I look how they run to each others and start to fighting. Then it started again - dizzy spell... it goes dark in my eyes and I feel like falling. "Worst timing ever," I whisper.

"Hawkmoth let me go!" Now I'm hearing real worry in Chat noir's voice, "please, I'm begging you. I don't want her to drop from the edge!" After that I don't hear anything else but little hum in my ears when I lost my consciousness.

When I open my eyes I see just Chat noir beside me. I'm laying some kind of bench. Relief rises on his face when he sees I'm awake. "Are you okay mom- I mean ma'am?" I look at him so confusing and pull myself up. "Yeah, I think so". I answer and get fake smile on my face. He smiles back, "I have to go, see you again!" I wave to him, when he goes away.

What just happened? Oh my god... He reminds me of Adrien! Is he? He can't be. Have I put him in danger? The boy I care like my own son. I'm so in my own thoughts that I don't realise Gabriel sitting next to me. "I'm sorry Nath..." that is the sentence that pulls me back from my head. "For what?" He sighs, "I put you in danger again and I- I hurt you".

Here falls silence we both are just looking at somewhere far away. Should I tell him what I realised? No.. not yet, now I just need little more time. "It's okay Gabriel. I got just few bruises, nothing much". He closes his eyes, "and you dropped from the roof, luckily Chat noir catch you before the ground".

That's it! Now I will get some time to think! "Maybe you should take a week off," I try, "just rest, no akumasing anyone just spending little time with your son and-" Gabriel looks at me, "what do you mean, Nath?"

"I mean that we need some rest and Adrien wants to see you more at home. Maybe just a week would make anything easier," I look at his eyes above of my glasses.

Finally he nodds, "you are right my Nathalie. We need to rest, especially you!" He takes my hand to his own, "Why didn't you tell me, you are that tired?" I didn't need to "it didn't feel that bad before," I lie.

He puts me on his arms, again. This is third time today when I am at someone's lap. Carefully he carries me at Agreste mansion.

It have been almost a week. I have to tell him what I realised earlier. After spending whole week with Agrestes I'm 99% sure that Adrien is Chat noir. He talks alone inside his room and smells like camembert cheese what is strange because we haven't had any of it on dining.

"Sir, can I talk to you?" I ask carefully.
Gabriel rises his look from his papers to me, "what's now Nathalie?" His face becomes serious when he sees my expression, "Is everything alright? Does your head hurt again? Should I call the doctor?"

"No. No... Nothing like that... not directly," I answer, "Can we go somewhere where nobody hears us?" Gabriel nodds and stands up. We walk to his bedroom and he closes the door behind us, "what do you wanna talk about?"

I take a deep breath and start to telling about everything what I want to say: "I think I know who Chat noir is..." Gabriel looks at me confusedly, "It's Adrien your son... and before you tell me about the day you evilise Gorilla, I have to tell you a some observation I have noticed. Firstly the day when I almost died when I fell from the roof," I look at Gabriel who's face has turned to pretty guilty.

Before I continue I put my hand on his shoulder, "It's fine you remember, everyone of us are still alive," he answers in the affirmative so I can continue, "So then it was little bit strange how much he cared about me and my healthy. And... After saving me he accidentally called me as a mom, and before I tell anything else about this, I'll tell you that I don't want to fight against him anymore... I just can't," I take a pause so he can digest the matter.

"He called you mom?" That is all what Gabriel says. "Yes," I don't know why it makes him that surprised.

When he gets his speech ability back we have the long conservation, during which we decided to stop being Hawkmoth and Mayura - at least temporary. "We should tell him..." I sigh. Gabriel looks at me really nervously, "What if he will hate me? Hate us?" I put my forehead against his and look at his eyes, "he won't. You tried to make him happy and fix your family. And if he does, we will survive about it. I won't turn my back on you".

Gabriel pulls me to tight hug, "Thank you Nath. For everything. I don't know what I would do without you. You are much more than just an assistant". I feel myself blushing when I cover my face with his neck.

"I don't want to risk either of you ever again," I listen when Gabriel talks with his son, "the fact that I have almost killed both of you is just too much..." I stroke his back carefully. "And please don't blame Nathalie for this... He just wanted to help me, help us. She is the one who made me stop, she-" I see how his look fells on his shoes, "I'm so sorry..."

Silence. No-one say even a word. "I don't hate you..." That's the voice what breaks the silence, "I think I should, but I just can't". Adrien looks like he could cry. "You both just wanted to help."

"So did you forgive us?" Gabriel asks. "Yes I did." Smile grows on my face. "But you guys have to promise me that you won't evilise my friends anymore!" We both give out little laugh, "we promise Adrien!" I say and Gabriel nodds beside me. "I love you guys!"

"And we love you too!" I stand up and pull both of them to hug.

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