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Where is he? Nathalie thought, while walking around the room. He should have been back like an hour ago. She put her phone on her ear trying to call for Gabriel, "answer me, please! I want to know that you are alright".

She was about to ask about him from Adrien, when someone knocked the door. Nathalie sighed and ran to the door. When she opened it, her whole body filled with relief, "Where have you been?" She asked and pulled Gabriel inside, "I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry Nathalie," Gabriel said and sneezed, "the rain surprised me and-". "You are cold?" Nathalie cut him off while looking at wet and pale man. "A little bit..."

"Go to shower, now," she sighed and took off his jacket, "I'll take care of anything else". Gabriel shook his head, "your shift ended like two hours ago. I can handle this," new sneeze. "Well, ended or not, I'm still here," She pointed out and rose one of her eyebrows, "so go to shower, now!" Nathalie could see it, he wanted to say something back, while he walked to stairs. Nathalie followed him for while and listened when he would open the shower. She wanted to make sure that he obeyed her dictate. Hearing water falling made her to nod. Nathalie headed to kitchen and started to boil some water.

After while she was ready. Nathalie folded dry clothes and some extra blanket on his bed and left the hot tea mug on his bedside table. She was about to go, when Gabriel walked inside the room, wearing just the towel.

"Oh," that's all what Nathalie could say for a while. Oh his pectoral muscles. No Nathalie stop it! HE IS YOUR BOSS AND HE HAS A WIFE, SO STOP IT NOW! Soon she gathered herself, "I brought you some dry clothes, blanket and hot drink. Call me if you need anything, sir," After saying this she walked out from the room.

At hallway she took deep breath. Did he notice my stare? The thought made her blush heavily. Cursing herself, Nathalie walked on armchair and sat down with hand on her forehead.

She didn't know how long she had sat there. Nathalie had almost fell asleep when she heard hard clatter from Gabriel's room. She jumped on her legs and ran there. "Sir? Everything alright right there!?" She almost yelled through the door. "Yeah I'm fine, Nathalie," the answer didn't sound so sure, so Nathalie opened the door and walked inside.

"What the hell happened here?" She asked while looking at all the books on the floor, and at Gabriel who was bowed beside those. She could guess what had happened. He had risen from his bed and tried to "escape" from his room, but got a dizzy spell and accidentally lean on bookcase. She was pretty sure about it, she had done the same.

Nathalie walked to him and halfway carried, halfway lead Gabriel to his bed. "No Nathalie, books are still on the floor," he tried. "I can collect those up. You have fever, now go to your bed. You need to rest!" It seemed strange to talk about it that way, usually it was Nathalie whose should be in bed, resting.

"No no! I don't want to bother you, besides thos-" Nathalie looked at Gabriel with motherly face, cutting him off, "and you call me stubborn, Gabe?" She covered him with the blanket, "It's my turn to look after you, like you usually do for me".

Nathalie cleaned the room quickly and was about to leave when she heard his whisper behind her, "Please Nathalie, stay with me". She turned around to face him, without even thinking she nodded, "of course!"

Dark haired woman sat on chair beside his bed and smiled. Her gaze met Gabriel's eyes gaze. For a long while they just stayed there, looking at each others eyes. "You have beautiful eyes, Nathalie," it was the voice that broke the silence. Nathalie felt like her cheeks became hot because of blushing, "Oh thank you," she stammered.

"Have I ever told you how much you mean to me?" She shook her head, "you haven't, sir". "Well I just did. You are wonderful person! And it's Gabriel to you my dear," Nathalie could see him smiling brightly, she didn't know was it because of fever or did he mean it. "You are important to me too, Gabriel".

Next morning Gabriel woke up, with strange feeling on his chest. Fever had dropped and he felt so much better, so what did it mean?

He looked at next to him and saw Nathalie who was sleeping there, so peacefully. Woman's head was leaning on his bed and she breathed quietly. The feeling at his chest felt stronger when he saw her. He remembered last night's events clearly and-

It hit him, he had fallen to his assistant! How could he? He had a wife, who he was about to get back, so why now? Destiny! tiny voice yelled inside his head you two are made for each others! "Made for each others," he thought out loud, "This is it! I have to move on it's her!"

"Gabriel?" It was Nathalie's voice, he had woken her up, "what are you-?" She couldn't even speak till the end when Gabriel took her hands on his own. He smiled at her, "Oh my dearest Nathalie, would you be mine?" he asked.

"Are you okay? you don't look sick anymore... Did you hit your head or something?" Nathalie's expression was so confused, "you have a wife". "And I'm going to move on from her, move on with you!" Nathalie didn't say anything so he bit his lip and looked disappointed, "you don't want to?"

She shook her head, "of course I want to, I was just thinking if I'm dreaming or something... I have-" Gabriel didn't listen anymore. He put his lips against hers and cut her off, "You don't need to explain, my Nathalie!"


I'm sorry the this story(especially the ending) is little bit poor. My vision just ended etc. I still didn't want to delete it so here we are.
I hope you liked it!

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