Puppy turd

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I stare at his face, not knowing how to answer. All my life I had snarky comments to give to people but for him I have nothing. I could mentally hear the clock ticking away as I stayed in silence. I knew he was going to leave but in the first time in my life I felt something different, something that might mean love.
Let me start from the beginning. I was caught with alcohol at school, my friends were high off the drugs a stranger had sold to them at lunch, and somehow we were accused of flooding the halls with cute puppies and bunnies.
"Do you understand how much trouble you all are in!" The principal yelled as he paced back and forth. They had already contacted our guardians. I roll my eyes and glance at my friends who were smiling off into the distance. A smile creeps to my lips as I watch them. The door bursts open to reveal Lilly's parents and two cops.
"Oh my god." Lilly's mom says as she covers her mouth, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her dad looked like he was trying his hardest not to fall apart. The two cops shut the door behind them leaving the room quiet with ever so noise of Lilly's mom crying.
"What are the consequences?" Lilly's dad asks quietly but loud enough for the principle to hear.
"Community service, suspensions, and one project I am putting together. But I'm only doing this because these kids have never done something wrong." Mr. Dean replies trying to stay calm as he watches my friends. Lilly was trying her best to look normal but we knew what was happening. "You can take Lilly but the cops need to have a word with you." The rest of the parents join and the principle leaves to see what the cops say. Will gets up his body trying to stay straight.
"What the hell have we done?" He questions loudly. I bite my lip and look out the window trying to look for my brothers car. He still hasn't come. "I mean never did anyone think us, the losers, would be in trouble like this. This is all your fault Tris!" He points at Tris nearly falling over.
"Oh shut up, I have always tried to add fun in your pathetic lives and now you go out and blame me." She answers angrily. I ignore them and continue searching for my brothers car.
"Hey, he'll show up. He has to." Robin whispers reassuringly as he gives my hand a squeeze. Robin was the smart enough to not take the drugs like me. I lay my head down on his shoulder. One by one my friends left with their parents, he still never showed up. Robin tried to stay back but being in this situation his parents don't agree.
"Honey, we have contacted him five times, he says he's coming." The assistant says. I nod my head chuckling at my brothers behavior. The principal looks at me worriedly.
"Can I just call a friend? I don't think he's showing up anytime soon." I ask as I search out the window once more for him. I heard the door open and I watch as my brother walks in catching the attention of all the women.
"Hey there champ." He says too cheerfully. I turn around without answering. Andy shakes hands with Mr. Dean before sitting down next to me.
"Everyone else got off easily but since your record isn't so clean, I'm afraid that I'll have to give you bigger consequences." Mr. Dead speaks, "Suspension, community service, and you'll be having to join a group, also the cops are giving you house arrest for a month. The only time you can leave is for medical emergencies and school."
"Hold on, the alcohol wasn't even mine! Your favorite student put it in my locker, we have cameras at school go check them. And the puppies and rabbits are part of the senior prank, I'm a junior!" I speak in my defense. Mr. Dean looks a little embarrassed and Andy smiles even more.
"I will check the cameras and then call you tonight to inform you if you will be receiving any consequences." Mr. Dean replies in a calm but embarrassed voice. I roll my eyes before getting up and leaving the office. I walk down the empty halls with a few pieces of turd from the puppies. The seniors suck, my class better do an incredible job. I reach Andy's car, the black BMW. After my mum had passed away, we sold the two houses back in England and are currently living in a nice apartment in California. Of course we are loaded with cash, but Andy is still working a part time job and goes to his classes. He had come home for Thanksgiving. Dad tried coming home sometimes but with work he has to keep moving around.
"What is wrong with you?" Andy questions as he unlocks the doors. I ignore his question and climb into the car.
"I did nothing wrong." I mumble under my breath.
"That's what you say all the time. Look we both need to just finish school and move on with our lives." He says in a strict voice, I watch the scenery pass by as we leave the parking lot.
"Andy I didn't do anything wrong!" I exclaim letting all my anger out. He looks over at me and shakes his head.
"Does dad know?" He asks. I nod my head before looking down at my lap. "Sis I need you to understand that people are going to blame you a lot. They don't give two shits if you really did anything. You have a terrible record." I knew he was right but for some reason I always had hope. Once we got home I closed my curtains before taking off my clothes to sleep. Sleeping naked is the best feeling in the world. I sigh as I curl up in my bed under the covers.

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