Rap battle with the Pope

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I glance around trying to navigate my way through the sea of students. Being a 20 year old still in junior year is sad but I have my reasons. I pull the strings to my jacket to make sure the hood doesn't slip off my head. My head bobs lightly as I listen to the beat of the song coming through the headphones. I spot Robin at my locker. So two of us survived out of the six. Honestly didn't care about any of these friends because after your handed that diploma they all run away never looking back. It always is like that unless you find the one.
Robin smiles at me as I approach him. I give him a quick smile before unlocking my locker and tossing in stuff I didn't need currently.
"How was it?" Robin asks after a minute of silence.
"Andy blew up on me but I know I didn't do anything wrong." I reply as I close the locker. "So I have nothing to worry about, do I?"
"Look we just have to lay low for a few days, so please in the name of God do not do anything wrong." Robin says stressing every word. I simply roll my eyes at him. I have great grades almost straight A's but in the behavior and participation section I'm weak. The teachers hated me around here, one of them feared me. She flinched every time I spoke so one day I questioned about it but she ignored me and quit the next day. My six friends on the other hand are the teachers wet dream, well not after this incident. I smirk lightly remembering the day I sat down randomly with them at lunch. Josh looked like he had just shit a brick. I notice Robin staring at me so I raise a eyebrow questioning him silently but he only shakes his head and chuckles.
"Do you remember the first sentence you said to our group?" He questions me, I think back but shake my head." What do I need to go through a nerd sacrificing ceremony to join your group." I chuckle at the sentence, I had just come back and I didn't want to hang out with any Barbie or fuckboy. I always have wanted to hangout with people who hide behind books because those are the kind of people who have the loudest minds. As I started to get to know these guys my statement became untrue. Then Robin and I got close, he was shy around others but when we talk it felt like it was a whole new person. He speaks the truest and most thoughtful words ever. If he and the pope had a rap battle Robin would win and steal the popes spot.
I'll try to update but it'll be short chapters.
Thanks and love ya.

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