Meeting Zen❤

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*Day 2 of filming*

You're going to meet Zendaya today on set. You've heard a lot about her from Tom and she seems like a really nice person. She is playing a minor character called MJ, who is a high school student, Peter Parker's friend.

You got ready and left for set. You, Tom and Zendaya had plenty of scenes to shoot together for the day.

*Time Skip*

You're currently in your trailer getting ready(makeup and costume). After you finished getting ready, you went to the location and you spotted Tom talking to someone. Zendaya! She was in the 'MJ' outfit. You were so excited to finally meet her. Tom noticed you and they both turned to see you.

Tom: Hi Y/n! Meet Zendaya.

Zendaya: Hey!

Y/n: Hi!

You said excitedly and you hugged her.

Y/n: It's so nice to finally meet you.

Zendaya: Same here! Tom has told me a lot about you.

You looked at Tom questionably and he just looked away.

From that moment on, you and Z just sort of clicked. It's like you became best friends the second you saw each other. She was a really sweet and kind person. She socialized pretty well and you, her and Tom instantly became a little friends trio.

You had to say, filming today was really difficult because you all just shared the same sense of humour and y'all would burst out laughing during scenes out of nowhere.

*End of filming*

You got changed in your trailer and you were about to leave when you heard a knock.

Y/n: Come in.

Tom and Zendaya entered and sat down on the couch.

Y/n: What's up?

Tom: Oh nothing just chilling.

Y/n: Ok?

Zendaya: I was wondering if you both wanna come over to my place right now. We could watch a movie or something.

Tom nodded.

Y/n: Yeah sure, that will be fun.

You followed Zen outside and got into her car with Tom beside you. The driver started driving and all the way there, you noticed Tom occasionally staring at you.

Zendaya: We're here.

You both followed her in and sat down on the comfy couch.

Zendaya: So? What do we watch?

Y/n: I have no idea.

Tom: Friends?

Zendaya: Yeah, let's watch that.

You guys were about 2 episodes in when Zendaya got up and headed towards her room.

Zendaya: I'll be back in a minute.

There was an awkward silence between you and Tom until he moved towards you so your sides were touching.

Tom: Hey.

Y/n: Hi 

You said blushing intensely, he was about to say something when Zen came back and Tom moved apart.

You watched a few more episodes and it was getting late, so Tom drove you back to your place. 

Y/n: Bye. See you tomorrow.

You said as you got out of the car

Tom: Bye.

then he drove off back to his house.

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