Meeting The Holland's

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Harrison drove you and Tom to the Holland house. It was a long drive so you and Tom just sat there making out in the back seat.

Harrison: You guys are so cute it makes me wanna gag.

You didn't listen to him and continued kissing Tom.

Harrison: Ok now guys seriously stop. That's gross.

Tom: Oh yeah? Well, glad to know you realize what I feel like when you stick your tongue down your girlfriend's throat in public.

You hit Tom's arm lightly.

Y/n: Hey! That's not nice.

Harrison: Yeah, shut up dude.

The whole ride back was pretty great. You got to know a bit more about Haz and he got to know you. You could see the visible shine in Tom's eyes. He was way more excited than you for his family to meet you. You found it quite adorable.

When you all reached, he rung the bell as you three waited. That's when you realized the situation. Nervousness completely overtook you as it showed clearly on your face.

Tom: Hey what's wrong?

Y/n: N-nothing.

Tom: C'mon I know when you're lying baby.

Y/n: I'm just a bit...  nervous.

Tom: Don't be. They're gonna love you. From what I've told them, they already do.

Y/n: Thanks.

He kissed your cheek and then the door swung open. Tom's mother, Nikki was standing there with a huge smile on her face. She immediately hugged Tom.

Nikki: I missed you so much.

Tom: I missed you too mum. 

Nikki: Hey Y/n!

She said as she gave you a hug and smiled at you.

Nikki: So good to finally meet the girl that makes Tom so happy.

You blushed at that.

Y/n: Thanks Mrs. Holland. It's great to meet you too.

Nikki: Please, call me Nikki. 

Y/n: Of course.

You went in behind them and when you entered the living room, you were introduced to Dom, Tom's dad and Paddy, Sam, Harry, Tom's siblings. They were really welcoming people and from the looks of it, they really loved you already.

Tom: There's someone you haven't met yet.

Y/n: Really? Who?

Tom whistled and called out.

Tom: Tessa!?

A cute blue staffy came running out of one of the rooms and jumped on Tom and started licking his face. 

Tom: Owh! Tess get off of me!

He said laughing.

Tom: This is Tessa, my dog.

You bent down and started petting her and she closed her eyes and snuggled into you.

Y/n: She's so cute.

Tom: Yeah and she likes you already.

The rest of the day went great. You were really glad that they were all really kind people and they made you feel at home. You had dinner with them and you had to say that Paddy was your new favourite Holland. You had a lot of fun, cracking jokes with Harry and Sam too.

You were currently in the living room, sitting on the couch beside Tom. After dinner, Haz went home and Nikki and Dom went in their own room. So here you were with, Sam, Paddy, Harry and Tom.

Harry: Let's play a game!

Sam: Like what?

Harry: Uh.. Truth or dare?

Sam: Yeah I'm down. What about you guys?

Y/n: Sure.

Tom: Yeah fine.

Paddy: I'll play just because I'm bored.

Harry: Yeah, Yeah ok let's start. 

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