We're dating!

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*Tom's POV*

Tom just reached back at his house and he decided to call Zen to tell her about everything.

*On the call*

Tom: Z you won't believe what happened!

Zendaya: Oh hello to you too dumbass.

She said sarcastically.

Tom: Hey! I'm serious, something happened between me and Y/n and I need to tell someone.

Zendaya: Ok, ok. Spill!

Tom: So umm the date went really well yesterday and we kissed a few times and then at the end she invited me in at her place.

Zendaya: Oooo I see where this is going.

Tom: So then we made out on the couch for a while and then we- we uh-

Zendaya: Fucked?

Tom: Gosh! Zen you don't have to be so bold like that.

Zendaya: Chill dude. What next?

Tom: And then I asked her to be my girlfriend!

Zendaya: What?! No way!

Tom: And she said yes!!!

Zendaya: I'm so happy for you. But I gotta take credit. Like, you would have never told her how you felt if it wasn't for me.

Tom: Well, you're definitely right. Also, we'll probably tell everyone on set tomorrow, so please! please just act all surprised because she wouldn't have wanted me to tell anyone without her.

Zendaya: Fine. I can do that.

Tom: Thanks mate. Bye.

Zendaya: Bye.

*End call*

*Your POV*

You texted Tom about what happened with your dad and he was also really shocked at first. I mean it's not everywhere that you'll find someone that your dad approves of.

*Next Day*

You just reached set. It was just another normal day of filming, except it wasn't. You were really nervous about how everyone would react to you and Tom dating. You were especially nervous about Zendaya's reaction because before you came into the MCU, she and Tom would be shipped a lot. But, you had nothing else to worry about.

*Time Skip*

It's break currently, you, Tom, Zen, Jacob and all the other cast members and set workers were chilling in the same room. You thought this was the perfect time.

You stood up and took Tom's hand. He immediately understood what was going on and he nodded, saying you should proceed.

Y/n: Uhm guys. We have something to tell you.

Everyone looked at you two holding hands. Then you gave a little kiss on Tom's lips and you heard a bunch of gasps and cheering noises.

Tom: We're dating!

Jacob: That's awesome dude. 

Zen hugged you and said

Zendaya: I'm really happy for you.

Y/n: You are?

Zendaya: Duh! Who do you think helped this dork to come clean to you.

You laughed at her comment.

Y/n: Seems about right.

The rest of day everyone on set kept giving you both heart eyes and a buch of 'Awww's.

*Later in the day*

Tom: Hey. Do you want a ride? I wanna spend some time with you.

Y/n: Of course.

You got in his car beside him and he started driving. The whole way you both talked about random stuff, getting to know each other even better.

Then you took out your phone and snapped a quick picture of you kissing his cheek while he was driving. He laughed at your adorability.

Tom: You know you can't post that anywhere right?

You weren't going to post it anywhere but you were confused.

Y/n: Why not?

Tom: I don't know. I just- I don't really like to share such private parts of my life with everyone. Do you? 

Y/n: Nope, and I totally get it. This popular life can be difficult. I wasn't going to post it anywhere.

Tom: Thanks.

You smiled at him.

Once you reached he kissed you passionately one last time before you left. You both were honestly on cloud 9. Your life couldn't get any better. Just then you heard a flash sound and you both jumped away, breaking the kiss.

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