Never Have I Ever

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*Your POV*

You all had a lot of fun on the beach that day. You took a bunch of photos and posted some on your social media too. After a few hours you all went back to the hotel and had dinner there.

*Next Day*

Tom: You ready?

Y/n: Almost!

You responded from inside the bathroom while you were getting your light make-up done. You came out after a few minutes.

Y/n: Ok so what's the plan for today?

Tom: We're going to go Sky diving and then-

Y/n: What?! I'm pretty sure we decided not to plan that.

Tom: Yeah I know I know but everyone really wants to do it!

Y/n: I told you I'm too scared to do that!

Tom: C'mon it'll be fun! I'll do with you, together.

He said as he hugged you tightly.

Y/n: Fine! But Thomas I swear if anything happens to me-

Tom: It won't, I'll make sure sure of that.

Y/n: Ok good, now tell me the rest.

Tom: Yeah so then we will go this club down the road.

Y/n: Great. Let's go!

Tom: Ok. Oh and.. you look really pretty by the way.

Y/n: Thanks.

You said blushing as you hid your face in his t-shirt.

You both then went outside and met up with everyone. You all took a one hour drive to the drop zone(base from which skydivers take off in aircraft or land.)

Once you all reached, you had to wear a whole safety outfit, along with the backpack that contained the parachute before getting in the plane. It was the size of a small private jet, enough to take all of you in air at once.

Zendaya: I am so ready to do this.

Y/n: Howww?

Zendaya: What do you mean?

Y/n: I'm scared as fuck.

Zendaya: Just don't focus on the surroundings too much and jump without over-thinking.

Y/n: Huh, okay.

Zendaya: Aren't you and Tom doing it together?

Y/n: But I'm still scared!

Zendaya: Alright, I'm gonna go first, watch me.

With that, once the plane was high enough, with assistance of the helpers, Z jumped out, screaming excitedly. Honestly, that kinda made you even more scared.

Tom came and sat next to you squeezing your hand as everyone jumped out one by one since they all agreed to let you go last with Tom.

The last one to go was Zoe, and now it was just you and Tom left. You both made your way towards the exit and once you looked out, your head started spinning.

Tom: Hey hey hey c'mon you're going to enjoy this. Don't look down a lot, hold my hand and close your eyes.

You did as he said and he pulled you out, causing you to go down with him. You started screaming loudly, not letting go of his hand, while he looked straight down enjoying the wind.

Halfway through, you both opened your parachutes and slowly, landed down. You hugged him the second you landed and burried your face in his chest. He hugged you back and stroked your hair.

Tom: I know you enjoyed it though.

Y/n: Ok maybe...

Tom: HA! I told you so!

To which you rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, causing him to laugh.

All the equipment was taken off of you and you once again met up with everyone else. You all exchanged you experience and you hugged every one of them after that sort of scary experience.

You all then got in your cars and were off to the famous club around the place. It was fully packed once you reached. You all got recognized a lot and had to take pictures before going in.

You, Tom, Z, Haz, Jacob, Sam and Harry sat down on one table, you know so you didn't have to be supervised by the 'adults'. You had rounds of shots and were all tipsy within half an hour.

Haz: Let's play a game!

Y/n: Fuck yeah!

Haz: Never Have I Ever?

Tom: Ok I'm down.

Z: Yeah me too.

Sam: Ok yeah let's play.

Tom: Never have I ever... cheated on someone.

And no one took a drink.

Tom: Oooo we all are gooooddd people.

He said in a drunk voice and you giggled.

Z: Never Have I ever gone skinny dipping.

Literally everyone took a shot and just you were remaining so everyone stared at you.

Y/n: Ughh fine! It was like once in high school.

Jacob: Ok, Never have I ever smoked.

Tom and Haz took a shot and you slowly went to take your glass and Tom's shouting startled you.

Tom: You have?!!

Y/n: Fine maybe I'm not as innocent as I seem.

You said with a dramatic hair flip, causing everyone to laugh.

Harry: Never have I ever checked my partner's texts.

Again.. everyone took a shot.

You and Tom turned to each other.

Y/n: When?!

Tom: Yeah when?!

Y/n: No I'm asking you.

Tom: Yeah and I'm asking you.

Y/n: Ughh ok whatever.

Haz: Never have I ever called a partner my ex's name.

Just Harry and Z took a shot.

You stared at both of them in disbelief and shook your head laughing.

Sam: Ok, never have I ever used a fake ID.

Y/n: I mean duh, hasn't everyone?

Tom: Obviously.

And everyone took a shot again.

You all continued the game for a long time until you all were fully drunk and the rest of them who were kind of sober had to drag you out to take ya'll home.

Tom was still ok as he had a good tolerance so he took you to your room, changed you out into your pj's and tucked you in bed while you kept mumbling profanities.

He got changed too and climbed in with you while you kept saying absurd things. Tom made a mental reminder to tell you every single dumb and funny thing you said in the morning before you both fell asleep.

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