The Airport

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*Your POV*

That whole day of filming was so so.. Not the best, really. Throughout the day, everyone kept giving you sympathetic looks, that you didn't really need. Eh, rough day you know. At one point even Zendaya came up to you to comfort you.

Zendaya: Hey are you ok?

Y/n: Honestly, I'm really, really fine. I knew this was gonna happen at some point, so I'm just a bit disappointed that it happened so early.

Zendaya: Hmm, yeah I get it. 

Y/n: In fact it's Tom who took it really hard. He was so... sad when we got back home.

Zendaya: Yeah, I figured. He hasn't been talking to anyone the whole day, except you.

Y/n: Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you! We're going to London tomorrow for a tour of my amazing home to meet his parents.

Zendaya: That's great! How long?

Y/n: Not sure. But we'll obviously be back before filming resumes.

Zendaya: Cool. So, what now? Are you both going to speak up about the pictures or....?

Y/n: For now, at least we'll be private I guess. Till then, the fans can think whatever they want.

*Time Skip*

You were currently in your room, packing a few last minute things in your suit case. You leave in half an hour for the airport. Tom would pick you up. You got ready and put on a cute outfit, perfect for travelling.

Your outfit:

You hurried with all your stuff downstairs

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You hurried with all your stuff downstairs. Your bag almost fell down the stairs.

RDJ: Let me help.

Y/n: Thanks.

He picked up a few of the bags and took them downstairs, while you were behind him with other bags.

RDJ: Now, Enjoy the trip, send me pics and be safe.

Y/n: Ok I will.

Just then, you heard a car honk outside your house.

Y/n: Well, that's him.

RDJ: Ok. Love you!

Y/n: Love you too. Bye!

You shouted as you walked out the house. You saw Tom standing outside his car, waiting for you. The moment he saw you, he ran up to, kissed your cheek and grabbed the bags out of your hands and put them in the trunk.

Y/n: Well someone's excited.

Tom: 'Course I am! I'm gonna meet the fam after a long time and you're gonna meet them too!

Y/n: Yeah! It will be amazing. But, don't forget we have to go see my place too.

Tom: I wouldn't forget, love.

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