Drunken Diaries

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*Your POV*

You woke up the next morning to bright light straight in front of your eyes. You flinched at the sudden light and slowly got up.

You covered your eyes and rubbed your face as you slowly adjusted to the light. You groaned when you saw Tom standing by the curtains after HE opened them.

Tom: Finally. Morning sunshine.

He said as he came and sat down on the bed, pulling you onto his lap. Your hair was messy while you rubbed your eyes, still sleepy.

Tom: You are soo not a morning person.

You held your head and let out a low whimper as you wrapped your hands around him and burried your face in the crook of his neck.

Y/n: Ugh my head hurts!!

Tom: Figured. You had way too much to drink last night baby.

Y/n: Huh? I actually don't remember.

Tom: Just wait till you hear all the things you said.

Y/n: Oh no. How bad was I?

Tom: So bad. When I was getting you ready for bed, you said and I quote, 'Don't touch me I have a boyfriend!'

Y/n: Oh my gosh.

Tom: And- and then you said, 'But you look just like him. I could do with you for now.'

Y/n: Stopppp I don't wanna know.

You said while hiding your cheeks that were red from embarassment.

Tom: No hear me out.. Then you got on top of me and kissed me, and then you fell asleep on me. So you basically cheated on me with myself.

He said and you both bursted out laughing.

Y/n: I'm never getting drunk with you again.

Tom: We'll see about that.

He smirked.

Tom: I kinda like drunk Y/n.

Y/n: Of course you do.

You rolled your eyes and hit his chest playfully before getting off of him and going into the bathroom to get ready.

*Time Skip*

Today is the 6th day on your vacation. You all are going to visit the Blue Lagoon.(An Island at The Bahamas)

Yes I skipped a few days because I'm lazy and forgive me for giving you all so much educational information on the place 😭🤐

You all met up and reached the beach. You would go to the island in 2 yachts. Once again, you took all the 'kids', yeah let's just call them that for now, with you and the others went in the second yacht.

 Once again, you took all the 'kids', yeah let's just call them that for now, with you and the others went in the second yacht

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