❁ What? ❁

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You woke up with a searing pain in your chest, feeling as though there were weights pressing against your lungs. Panicking, you turned to your side, coughing furiously, desperately trying to expel the saltwater that had somehow infiltrated your respiratory system. Tears streamed down your face as the agony persisted, each cough bringing forth sharp waves of pain. But as fear of suffocation gripped your entire being, a warm touch calmed your trembling body.

A tender hand began to caress your back affectionately, while an anxious voice gently echoed in your ears, "Calm down. Breathe slowly," it urged. You closed your eyes, mustering all your strength to stay calm and regain control over your breathing. Gradually, the coughing subsided, allowing fresh air to fill your starved lungs. Even with each breath, however, the excruciating pain in your chest persisted, refusing to dissipate. Desperate, you prayed silently for the torment to cease.

As you exhaled slowly, wincing in pain, a profound thirst overcame you, worsened by the saltwater that had invaded your system. With your eyes squeezed shut, attempting to recall what had transpired, your mind offered no answers, leaving you feeling disoriented. Struggling to lift your head, you tried to focus on the person enveloping you in their arms. Blinking repeatedly, your eyes stung so fiercely that you immediately shut them again.

As the cool evening breeze brushed against your damp skin, you swallowed, attempting to soothe your dry throat and find solace in the midst of your aching body. The clingy, wet clothes only intensified your discomfort, causing you to shiver uncontrollably. Despite the adrenaline slowly fading, the warm touch continued to brush against your cold cheeks, gently removing the gritty sand that had adhered to your face. They tenderly ran their fingers through your hair, holding you tight and providing much-needed warmth. You yearned to be closer but found yourself immobile, completely drained by the intense pain and intense shivering. The energy to open your sore, heavy eyes eluded you.

Suddenly, a rush of frigid air caressed your quivering skin, prompting a shiver to course through your entire body. They swiftly cradled you in their arms, protecting you from the unforgiving cold. Holding you tightly, as if fearing you might vanish into thin air, they enveloped you in their embrace. You felt a numbness take over, disconnecting you from your surroundings. Senses unable to grasp reality, you succumbed to the encroaching darkness, consumed by fear.

Sensing your trepidation, they clutched you even tighter, their voice a soft, unwavering whisper, "You'll be fine, I promise." Their words seeped through the fog of uncertainty, bringing a sliver of hope. Gradually, your body relaxed and exhaustion began to resurface. You clung to those words, repeating them silently to yourself.

The consciousness slowly took in...


Mint... It smells mint. I shifted my head peacefully on the soft pillow, it felt serene. This was a short-term peace, of course, as I became more aware of my surroundings, my confusion start to rise. I wasn't in my bedroom, my body was tired and sore, and my head aching and pulsing.

The worst of all, I can't recall anything from last night...

I moved the warm blanket off of me, already missing its warmth and softness. My limbs felt numb all over, my mind blank as a white paper. The soft bed squeaked under my weight. My bed never smelled mint... and it wasn't this comfortable... Something was definitely wrong.

The aching pain in my chest didn't let any comfort in. I winced and held my chest. I tried to swallow, but my throat was so dry it hurt.

I felt like all my thoughts were slipping out of my hands before I could even remember what happened yesterday.

I couldn't move my body much, and my eyelids felt very heavy. I waited for a while to regain my strength. Careful not to hurt myself, I got up, moved towards the head of the bed, and leaned on its wooden texture. I closed my eyes again, slightly turning my head away from the sunlight.

I squinted my eyes open and waited a while for them to get used to the light. I tried to raise my hand to shield my eyes, but it wouldn't budge. My head felt so heavy. An annoyed voice escaped from my lips.

The room was a bit lit; probably because the sun had just started to rise. It was small, as if they purposely wanted to keep the room like this. There wasn't much furniture inside. Although the room didn't look new, it didn't look too old either. There was nothing to make the room look messy. Although it was small, it looked spacious, maybe because of the color of the walls.

There was a small study table and a wardrobe. On the table, there were a few books neatly lined up, next to them a small night lamp. There was a red guitar leaning against the wardrobe. It was the most interesting thing in the room. It shone with the sunlight.

A curtain was pushed aside to clear the way for the nice open blue-violet sky, shaking lightly with the wind. The soft wind slowly moved the leaves of the trees, the chirping of the birds, a faint voice of clinking and soft buzzing... A faint smile formed on my lips. It was as if my pain had subsided a little bit with these peaceful voices. I could be at ease.

My head didn't hurt that much, my body's numbness long gone, I felt like I had regained control of my body again. My aching chest had passed. I smiled at the little bird that appeared in the open window, curiously tilting its head.

But that wasn't the only thing I heard. The soft clinking noise suddenly stopped, replaced by the tapping sound of footsteps coming from inside the house. It sent a warning to my numb and fuzzy mind. I turned my head towards the muffled conversation, just noticing the new voices.

It felt like they had just come in from outside. I couldn't clarify what they were talking about or who the voices belonged to. But somehow, it felt familiar. It was a faint feeling, but it went as fast as it came.

The voices became more inaudible as they moved through the house. I listened until they increased in volume again, warning me that they were beginning to approach the room. My heart started to race, and fear began to creep in. What was happening? Who are they? What they want?

Conservative kind of creativity urged me to think of different possibilities, but my head start to throb again, making it difficult to focus. I needed answers, and I needed them now.

⸻𝑳𝑬𝑻'𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 ✈ 【Sonic Boys 𝕏 Reader】(Slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now