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(Drawing made by me)


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As Sonic and Tails made their way towards the center of the room, a sense of unease settled within me. There was a mysterious aura surrounding their conversation that piqued my curiosity.

"Don't sweat it! You can't imagine what this kid can do!" Sonic exclaimed with an air of excitement. Ruffling the fox's head as Tails pushed his hand away with a laugh. "He's the best pilot and mechanic I've ever known."

Tails rolled his eyes playfully, "Do you know any other pilots and mechanic, Sonic?" he replied, giving a knowing smile as he smugly crossed his arms.

"Does Eggman counts? Because he is the worst." The two snickered at that.

Observing their close bond, I couldn't help but smile. Their friendship was a rare and a really beautiful one you adored. As we prepared to embark on this unknown venture, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had made the right choice to join them.

Ignoring the nagging ache in my body, a grim reminder of the risks ahead, I pushed myself off the bed and followed Sonic and Tails out of the room. The corridor's aura changed since I last went through. It emanated a calming serenity, almost as if it was a glimpse into their true home.

But what caught my attention were the numerous frames adorning the walls. Each picture depicted different places and people, with Tails and Sonic featuring prominently. Some displayed breathtaking landscapes, while others showcased faces I couldn't recognize. It was a testament to the vastness of their adventures.

Sonic paused next to me, his gaze fixed upon the photos. Nostalgia washed over his features, a sweet smile playing on his lips. Proudly, he placed his hands on his hips and let out a heartfelt sigh.

In a quiet whisper, I couldn't help but wonder aloud, "God, how many places have you traveled to? I wish I was more like you." Chuckling softly, I admitted, "I don't really like leaving the house. I am not a social butterfly. Exploring isn't my thing at all."

Sonic laughed, a carefree sound that echoed through the hallway. "It's something I'm used to. I always run around nonstop. I never once thought to sit for a sec. How could I? It makes me feel so free, so alive. I'm always open to exploring new places or people, if there are any left," he chuckled. Placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, he added, "And the adventures they bring... every one of them is priceless."

My laughter mixed with his, and I playfully jested, "Your friends are in real trouble then."

Grinning widely, Sonic replied, "Oh, you bet. A massive trouble it is, you wouldn't even guess. Your friend here is a real danger magnet!" He point at himself with a wink.

⸻𝑳𝑬𝑻'𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 ✈ 【Sonic Boys 𝕏 Reader】(Slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now