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He passed through the dense forest, the foliage rustling under his heavy metallic feet. The moon was obscured by ominous clouds, casting an eerie glow over the abandoned scenery. As he emerged from the tree cover, a vast open area stretched before him, barren and silent. His red eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of a power source that could lead him closer to fulfilling his mission.

Metal, with his iron body and superior intelligence, had been created by the ingenious Dr. Eggman. While others dismissed him as just a robot, Metal knew that there was more to him than met the eye. His creator had imbued him with unique abilities beyond the mere detection of chaos energy and the strength to match Sonic. Metal wanted to believe that he was capable of so much more.

The thought of self-improvement, of becoming even more intellect and formidable, consumed his mechanical mind. But he also knew that such enhancements would only make him more imperfect, susceptible to flaws that could hinder his progress. He was only programmed to listen his creator after all. Lately, these strange thoughts had been plaguing him, infiltrating his circuits and making him question his purpose.

As he pondered these unsettling thoughts, Metal's claws clenched tightly, their razor-like tips scratching against each other. His focus abruptly shifted to the sight of a figure lying on the grass, bathed in moonlight. He moved closer, his sensors analyzing the situation. It didn't take long for him to realize that the figure was a female, a human.

Metal scanned her serene face, watching as her chest rose and fell gently with each breath. It was a capability he did not possess, one that fascinated him. She appeared defenseless, vulnerable while she slept. The impulse to eliminate her immediately crossed his synthetic mind, but he dismissed it. This girl was not part of his mission, if she is in no way for him to get the Chaos Emeralds or destroy Sonic then she is unimportant.

A trace of curiosity lingered in his circuits as he accessed his core memory, but he found no information about her. She was neither an enemy nor an ally, a rare and unexpected encounter. It wasn't the result he was seeking, but he felt no disappointment either.

A sudden gust of wind swept through the clearing, causing the girl's body to tremble. Metal observed her closely, his analytical gaze fixated on her. In an unprecedented act, he approached her, his cold metallic form kneeling beside her fragile figure. He had never felt the need for contact before; it seemed pointless and insignificant. After all, what were robots supposed to desire other than to serve their masters?

Yet, he found himself unable to resist the urge. His hand slowly reached out, his mechanical fingers hesitantly making contact with her cheek. In that brief touch, he sensed an inexplicable warmth emanating from her, an aura too delicate for his logical circuits to comprehend. He dismissed it as a mere error in his programming, unwilling to believe that anything more profound could exist.

Although he tried to retract his hand, it remained motionless, an act of defiance against his own orders. Confusion clouded his thoughts as familiar voices filled his systems, warning him of approaching enemies. "--She must be here!" With a final glance at the girl, Metal turned away and retreated into the safety of the bushes. He decided to leave her undisturbed until Dr. Eggman's next orders.

As he walked into the shadows, leaving the remnants of the human behind, Metal sought solitude. He needed time alone with these newfound thoughts, these fragments of awareness that went against his very nature.

⸻𝑳𝑬𝑻'𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 ✈ 【Sonic Boys 𝕏 Reader】(Slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now