New family

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"Congratulations Mr. Nakahara you are pregnant." The doctor said with a smile pasted on his face .

"B-but how is that possible." Chuuya said bewildered as he sat in the doctor's room. He had been suffering from anxiety,vomiting, nausea and other symptoms but he never expeced this.

"Ah well you see nakahara san such possibilities do exist in this world. I had read about the few existing cases . Most of them were common people . The mortality rate of the embryo is quite low and by chance if the baby is born then most likely it will live only upto 3 years." The doctor said looking at the reports of the unique patients.

" So won't it survive!?" Chuuya could already feel a bond between him and the unborn ,thus, at any rate he wanted to save it. " Isn't there something we can do ??"

"Hmm" the doctor said thoughtfully and went to sit on his black chair " As i said that all the people in the previous case were normal people but you are an ability user and as far as i can guess the other parent must also be an ability user too. "

"Yes you are right."

"So the bodies of ability users are more used to changes and are stronger. Therefore i believe that it would be fine for you -"

"Doctor there's an emergency. We need you right now." A nurse said as she barged into the office.

"Alright i'll be there. Sorry nakahara san i'll have to leave for now. I'll send you the next appointment dates and brief you about some tests on call."

"Yes, sure " chuuya said but the doctor was already running towards the operation room. He got up, picked up his things and hat , and left the hospital building.

It was raining . He could see people running around taking shelter from the rain but he didn't feel like doing the same. He just wanted to reach the headquarters and lay down on his bed to think about this mess clearly. "Yes i have to tell dazai about this. But what will he say ............argh damm it... i'll just call him and tell about this." He took out his phone and was about dial 'mackerel' when someone else called him. It was boss.

"Hello boss"

"Chuuya kun, dazai kun has left port mafia."


"Ahh what a beautiful day." Dazai yawned and said as he passed over the Ooka bridge. " The river is also looking pretty . I might as well try another suicide attempt." He said and took a step towards the edge of the bridge. Just then he felt someone tugging at his coat. He looked down and saw a boy about 3-4 years old with ginger hair and brown eyes holding the corner oh his coat firmly.

" Daddy don't" the boy said looking at his face and then down at the road.

"HUHHHHH...i am not your daddy. What are you talking about kid. Go find you dad somewhere else ."

"No you are - i saw you - with my daddy - in the photo." The kid said on the verge of tears as his voice shook.

" with your daddy...your words are not making sense. Anyways tell me your name . I'll drop you at the police station. They'll help you find your mommy or daddy or whatever."

The boy shook his head as he tightened his hold on the brunet's coat." Come - with - me " was all he said.

"Okay okay " dazai said with a sigh. He knew this kid won't let him go easily. ' Bye bye river ' he thought and bent his knees so that he could be face to face with that kid. " So tell me your name and do you have the address or photo of your mom or dad."

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