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On a particular evening something weird happened. Our detective agency was filled with many people.


Akashi :- Bokuto san wrong fanfic. Let's go back to "IN ANOTHER LIFE".

Bokuto :- " AGGGAAAASSSHHHIIIIIIIIIII . But today we're having a collab with Bungou stray dogs fanfic."

Atsumu :- " Osamu come back here , you idiot "

Dazai :- " Huh who called me by first name. "

Chuuya :- " Hence proved, osamu in every manga is an IDIOT "

Dazai :- " Shut up shortie "


Asahi :- " Noya he's not saying that to you "

Nanthiel :- " Ohh jesus , my eyes are blessed that i've seen you now. "

Nishinoya :- " I - ... "

Daichi :- " Ohh nice to meet you fukuzawa dono "

Fukuzawa :- " Ohh nice to meet you too deadchi "

Daichi :- " It's daichi , the fans made that name when i was almost dead once. "

Fukuzawa :- "Talking about dead . Even i was about to die once. Though my opponents life was also at stake. "

Daichi :- " Opponent who ? "

Fukuzawa :- " Just a man with weird black hair "

Daichi :- " with a blonde child "

Fukuzawa shocked :- " You know him "

Daichi :- " No i just happen to know a guy who's like that "

Fukuzawa :- "But i wish they were as cute as a cat. "

Daichi :- " Well in my case they are already cats but they aren't cute at all. "

Mori with elise and kuroo with kenma somewhere :- AACCCHHHHOOOOOOO

Saeko :- " You know once these kids had a match with a strong team then i played the taiko drum with my group to support them "

Kouyou :- " fufu i support my organisation with my skilled team of torturers. "

Yosano :- " Tch tch i support all of them alone with my BLADE , CHAINSAW and other things.Though, I am thinking to buy an electric chair next week. "

Kouyou :- " Don't worry . I'll give you one ."

Yosano :- " My my kouyou san i didn't knew you were such a good lady. "

Kiyoko and kyouka :- " Snacks are here "

Kouyou :- " Ohh my dear kyouka is here "

Ranpo and noya with sparkly eyes :- " AHHHH SNACKSSS "

Tanaka :- " She looks cute and is short too. She even has a similar name to kiyoko senpai. NOYA MAYBE YOU CAN DATE HER !! "

Nishinoya :- " Ohh yes she is . WAIT . DID YOU JUST CALL ME SHORT "

Kouyou :- " Lads do you have a death wish " * takes out her katana *

Oikawa :- "Though, I am the real snack here HMPH "

Dazai :- " What are you even talking about. Haven't you heard about the GREAT DAZAI OSAMU "

Chuuya :- " That shitty dazai , i want to kill him so bad. "

Iwaizumi :- " That shitty kawa, i hate him."

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