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The small male sat at the end of a dark alley where only a little moonlight shone when his phone rang. He didn't want to pick it up more like it didn't matter to him whatever the contents of the message were. The phone kept on beeping . Finally seeing the eagerness of the sender he picked it up.

His eyes opened wide when he saw the sender's name. Mackerel.

Why. Why now. At the end of everything .

His fingers trembled . It was because of the sender or the blood loss he didn't knew. After struggling for a few minutes he managed to click on first voice message.

"Hey i know it's been a long time " said a soft velvet voice.

"But please listen to me. "

"No you have to listen. Akutagawa told me about your mission. It's not a mission it's suicide. That's why you can't go there ... YOU CAN'T ... a light sob ... please chuuya there are still many things that i have to tell you. So please don't leave " the audio continued but there was no voice coming from the other side. It felt like he was trying to hold back his tears and compose his voice . " I...i love you " almost a whisper at the end of the audio.

Chuuya smiled . A faint but happy smile . The one which people have when they know they have achieved everything and now is the time for them to leave. He replied with the now completely bloody hands. "Ok.Thanks. Bye. " trying not to give any hope to the other and tossed the phone to his side.

Dazai looked at the message with blurred vision. He knew chuuya . He knew him too well. The port mafia was his home and the boss's command were everything . He would do anything to protect them. It was his choice wether the entire mafia is pulled into a deadly battle or just him and as expected he chose the later one ... protecting everyone at the expense of his life.

The three words send by the ginger made it clear. The " ok " was him forgiving the brunet for everything he did to him wether harassing him, making fun of him everytime they met and for making plans where chuuya would get tortured. The "thanks" was for everything he did for him , for trusting him, recruiting him in the mafia , stopping corruption when needed and helping him find his origin . And lastly the " bye " was -----

Dazai didn't have time for this. He took out his laptop and searched for the redhead's location.

He ran towards there as soon as he found it. He was in an alley near a small factory about 30 minutes away from him. He made his way towards it but each minute felt like an eternity. His legs were heavy from exhaustation but he couldn't stop .

Chuuya's  eyes closed  waiting for the final sleep to takeover. He was there alone waiting for his death. But he didn't feel any regret . He came into this world alone. The port mafia gave him a family , a loving sister and an idiot traitor for a partner. And now he was leaving them satisfied he had done whatever he could do for them.

"......Chuu..." the ginger heard a voice . He somehow opened his eyes as blood trickled down his lashes. He saw a tall man running towards him crying out his name. It took him a few seconds to recognize who he was.

"Da...zai..." he said in a faint whisper.

"Chuuya, i-i am taking you to the hospital right now so don't leave ok "

"No it' So you...won't leave me peace...even at death's door...shitty mackerel"

"Chuuya why would you do this this. I was the suicidal one then why are you trying to kill yourself. Were you that desperate to win against me. " dazai said as tears formed in his eyes seeing the tattered state of the other. He sat beside him placing the other's face on his chest and wiping away his blood

"Why...h-here..." chuuya said in an angelic voice as the blood flowed from the scratch beside his lips.

"Shut up why i wouldn't be here. You're my partner afterall."

" "

"No you're the only one. You're my only partner. The one i love so please...please don't leave me . I beg . Please " his voice broke as he let out a sob, tears rolling down his cheeks. " don't leave me "

"" he used last of his strength to reach for the brunet cheeks with a smile so serene that would calm anyone.

But reality is cruel and we don't always get what we want. The hand stopped near his cheek as his body went entirely cold. The hand fell onto the ground making a sound which broke dazai's heart.

He knew it was over . Everything was over . The one who truly understood him , the one who was always there to save him, the one infront of whom he could be himself without any worry , the one who let him be a kid and played along his bickerings without a word was no more there. It was over . EVERYTHING WAS OVER.

"How could you say such a thing . Both oda and you are the same. Saying such things at the end. Why would you both die when i am the one who deserves it. Chibi...oi chibi are you listening me. Come back...please...come...back." And like snowball effect , the tears flowed down his eyes. He cried and cried  holding onto the last remains of the boy whom he loved so much.

The sun shone as bright light fell on the two bodies . One dead and one alive .

Dazai was still holding onto the little ginger not leaving him for a second. The tears stopped as he accepted the truth that chuuya was no longer alive. But just like after the rain stops , the water seeps into the ground similarly the sorrow of losing his beloved had settled deep into his heart making it heavy. He heard a few cars coming towards him and he knew who they were.

He brought the cold face of the ginger towards him and lowering his foreheads against cold flesh .

"Chuuya...i love you ... i know you are always there with me in everything i do and everywhere i go. So for now i'll leave you in ane san's care....Sayonara chibi " he said and left as the black cars entered the alley.

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