{George Foyet}

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{Cate's Pov}
After we got back to the police station we did more digging on the copy cat killer and the journalist. There wasn't much to him besides the obvious, which was that he's most famous work was his zodiac killer work and George Foyet questions.

I spent most of my time trying to get the sour yogurt smell out of my shirt. I was beyond pissed, but I guess it was pay back. I just wished we could get passed a small fucking mistake I made when we didn't even know each other.

"We're going into field, it's him." Hotch rushed out as he sped past me to the armor room.

I looked over to Emily confused.

"Since your to dumb to understand, George Foyet is the killer, and he just killed his own journalist." Spencer whispers in my ear so no one else could hear.

I glare at him before walking off with Hotch. I grab the gun, it probably weighs more then me. I pull it up and aim it at a target just for a little practice, but obviously I don't fire it. Everyone grabs a vest. Emily pulls mine over my head and fits it to my body type. I tuck my gun into my hostler. I look down and make sure my shoes are tied. I pull my sleeves down, and take a deep breath.

Let's hope I don't pass out in field.

"This man is very dangerous, and there's no telling what he'll do now that he knows we know it's him, so be careful. Derek and Cate go together. Spencer you'll go with me, JJ and Emily stay back unless we need back up."

I assume JJ stays back most times because she has two kids and Emily and her have the strongest bond. If I was a mother I wouldn't want to be in range of fire either to be honest, but I know JJ would do whatever she could to save someone's life.

I follow Derek to the car. He hopes into the driver seat and automatically starts it, barley giving me enough time to shut my door. I guess it was pretty important. I laugh to myself as he smirks at me. Derek was a little mischievous.

I grabbed the little pulley thingy on top of the car as we turned on two wheels. I looked at the speed, we were going almost 100 miles an hour. I look over to Derek in disbelief, if he wasn't so good at his job he could be a professional nascar racer.

"You know you could be a whole Nascar racer." I laugh.

"Oh I know." He smirks and presses the gas again.

I tighten my grip on the leather praying I don't fly out this damn window. I watched the scenery play out. It was like a messy painting the way things were flying by. Nature really could be pretty if you payed attention. Maybe with my new start I could start painting and drawing again.

I watched as the trees and flowers slowed down in my eyes, and played out onto a canvas. I felt the car slowly start to stop. I looked around, it was in the middle of the woods with a large broken mansion up a very high hill, talk about the night mare part of fairy tale stories . I grabbed my gun and watched as Spencer and Hotch got out of the car with their guns ready. I stepped out after Derek and held my gun out.

My eyes instantly went up to a room in the very top of the mansion with a balcony. I saw a shadow, barley with the lack of light, but I know what I saw.

"Hotch he's up there." I whisper.

"How do you know?" He ask as we crouch behind a bush with JJ and Emily down behind the SUVS.

"I saw his shadow." I whisper.

Hotch nods his head and hand signals for me and Spencer to lead as he follows behind in case he comes out. I lead the way into the mansion.

It was pitch black in here. There were spiders crawling up the wall. Old pictures that were to faded to make out. The stairs were wooden, and most were broken causing me to have to stretch to step up. I heard his back and forth stepping as I walked down the hall way. I paused and pressed my back into the wall outside of the room he was in and waited for Spencer. Even if he hated me I wanted him to be safe and not put him in danger.

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