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{Cate's Pov}
The plane ride back was excruciating long and sort of awkward. Me and Spencer hadn't talked to each other since the incident. To be fair I was also passed out on the plane with my leg in pain while it was wrapped with a small bandage. When we landed Penelope drove me over to the hospital and told me she would wait for me.

"Thank you." I say to the nurse who hands me a pair of crutches.

"Do I really need these?" I ask.

I didn't want the team looking at me in a weak way, all I did was get stabbed in the bottom half of my leg, it wasn't like I was stabbed in my chest. I could walk and all I need was maybe a bandaged for the small wound.

"I mean your not supposed to be putting weight on it-"

I could tell she was new to her job, she looks very young, and smacked her gum obnoxiously loud. She was also very careless when she wrapped my wound.

"Great, thanks." I smile and hand her the crutches back.

I rush out the door and immediately get engulfed by the team. I hug them back and smile and try to answer all there questions. I look around at them and notice Spencer isn't among them.

"Where's Reid?" I ask confused.

"Oh he's passed out over there in that chair, he finally just sat down. He's been pacing around the halls for hours waiting for you to get fixed up." JJ smiles as they all step back and reveal Spencer.

He looks so pretty sleeping. His hand was supporting his head as he was leaned back in the chair. I quickly looked away, because why should I look at him. Yes he saved my life, but he would probably only hold it against me. Plus what if he asked about why I looked at him the way I did when he grabbed my thigh.

"Well thanks guys, but really I'm fine. I'm just going to head back to the hotel and get some rest."

"Oh no you don't." Penelope sassed.

"I helped her set up your room and get your stuff moved over there." Derek laughs.

"Howd you find my hotel room-"

"Really your asking that when she's a computer genius?" JJ laughs.

"Right, well thank you so much Derek and Penelope, can we go to your home I'd like to get some rest?" I laugh along with JJ lightly.

"Our home now." Penelope smiles as she locks arms with me.

How could a woman be so kind? She reminded me a lot of my mother and the sister I always wanted. I never got that. I missed my mom. She was so kind to everyone, no matter what. She was always cheery and smiling. She loved bright colors like Penelope also. Her and my father were my home, and ever since they died I felt like I was empty and alone. Like I didn't have a home,  or anyone to look after me, or me look after them. I felt so guilty when they died. I blamed myself everyday for it. I felt like there was always something I could've done, maybe asked to eat out instead of in, I could've helped them cook to watch over the food.

I could've eaten the same food they ate instead eating some soup instead.

As we reach the door I look back at the team. Everyone was talking together, my eyes travel to the empty. I looked among the team, who all looked very tired. I saw JJ wave and grab he belongs. Emily was laughing with Hotch. Derek was beginning to walk with JJ. Everyone was there, except Spencer.

I couldn't find him anywhere, maybe he had already left or went to get coffee. I just turned my head back around and walk with Penelope out the suffocating hospital doors.  I smile as she opens the side door for me to get in.

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