Chapter 5

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Sadie POV

"I can't take it!" Aedon jumped up from the couch. "When are we supposed to find out? It's been three days."

"Aedon, calm down. It's a big decision she has to make," Mama Jane tried to reason with her borderline hysterical daughter.

It was the Saturday after auditions. Aedon and I sat in my grandparent's living room. I had already come to terms with the fact that I wasn't on the team, but I was still anxious for Aedon. She definitely deserved to be there with the rest of them.

"The way she sounded on Wednesday, Coach seemed pretty sure of her answer already. She said she had seen enough."

"She has a point there," Papa Lucas said.

"Thanks, Dad," Aedon said. She continued to pace around the rug. "This is gonna be the death of me."

"Why don't you two go to the mall or something? Get your mind off of it," Mama said.

"Now is not the time for shopping."

"Aedon. Watch the tone," Mama warned her. "You can't just pace your way to a response."

"Fine, I'll sit down."

And as if by fate, the second she sat down, both of our phones buzzed simultaneously. We both reached for our phones and looked at each other.

"I'm scared," Aedon said.

"Here," I handed her my phone. "I'll read yours and you'll read mine." Aedon nodded, switching our phones.

To Aedon Vera,
We are pleased to inform you that we extend a spot on the Houston Blazes, the Texas Youth Dance Company. This spot also comes with the opportunity to compete at the National Youth Dance Competition being held in New York City, New York.

I didn't even bother to read the rest. I looked up at Aedon, beaming. She had a different look on her face. Aedon's eyebrows were knit together, small frown on her lips, as she read the email.

"It's okay, Aedon. I didn't expect-"

"Shh!" She hushed.


"I'm reading, hush."

"Let me see," I grabbed my phone back. The email read:
Dear Sadie Philips,
We would like to discuss your future here with the Houston Blazes in person. Please plan to meet with Coach Barnes at her office at the Houston Performing Arts Center, where auditions took place, on Monday, June 18th, at 4:00pm. If this does not work, please contact the number below. We hope to see you soon!

"Why doesn't yours say this?" I glanced at Aedon.

"Say what?" Mama asked.

"They want me to meet with Coach. But Aedon got accepted and doesn't have to."

"Well it doesn't mean no. I doubt they'd ask you to come in person just for them to reject you. It sounds like it is a good thing, Sadie," Papa did his best to reassure me. He was too late, I was already panicking.

"I guess so." It was my turn to start pacing. "I wish she had told me to come today. Now I'm gonna stress about it for the next two days."

"Sadie Jane, it's gonna be okay," Mama said. "No matter what we are all still proud of you. And Aedon, too." She sent a wink to Aedon who was still seated on the couch.

"I know, I know." I was just being me. Overthinking it all.

"Let's go get you an outfit for your meeting," Mama Jane offered. "And get Aedon some new dance clothes."

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