Chapter 12

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Sadie POV

"I feel like we should still get some practice in," Simon said.

"For what?" We were still on the bench outside of the gymnasium. Coach had come out and said that she wanted us to sit out the rest of the time dedicated to the duet. My attempts of convincing her that I was fine where dismissed the second they left my mouth.

"What do you think, Sadie Jane?" The brief period of kindness that had overcome Simon had faded away. His typical self indulging "humor", if that is what you wanted to call it, had made its appearance again. Knowing Simon, I doubt it was going anywhere either.

"But you heard Coach."

Simon shook his head, "not right now, Sadie Jane. I can't have you getting blood on me again." He motioned down to a small blood stain on his shirt. I wasn't even sure when it had gotten there. Simon continued, "I meant later today, after practice. Or early tomorrow."

"Oh. Here?" I'd have to call my mom to pick me up since I had rode with Aedon.

"Perhaps. We can see if there are any open spaces, but I doubt it. A good number of people have been practicing after hours since the team started."

"Are there sign ups or do we have to wait to see?"

Simon stood up before answering, "yeah they are on the door of Winona's workspace." He walked over to the room next to Coach's office. A moment later, he came out, his head shaking.


"Booked into two weeks from now," he laughed incredulously. We both sat, waiting for an idea to come to mind. "I guess we could go to my house. There's a space big enough, sometimes I practice their on my own." The thought of going to Simon's house, probably alone, had me sitting straighter in my chair. I didn't know this kid, and the things I did know weren't in the best light. What if he murdered me?

"Today is Thursday right?" I asked, an idea finally coming to me.

"Are you positive that you are concussed?" I waved Simon off and pulled out my phone. Calling my second favorite aunt, I prayed she would answer.

"Hey, Anna." Simon looked as though he wanted to snatch my phone away, but curious of where this might lead seemed to save me.

"Sadie Jane, how nice to here from you. What do you want?"

"Why do you assume I want something?" Sure, maybe, I did. But their was no reason to assume.

"I can hear it in your voice. Did Aedon put you up to this?"

"Nope. All me. You don't have day classes today, right?"

"That's correct."

"So is the studio free?" I waited for Anna's answer as I tried to ignore Simon's only growing stare. "Sweet thank you! Yes I still have my key. Okay bye."

"Who was that?" Simon asked.

"My aunt. She owns a dance studio downtown. Luckily, it's Thursday, which means she doesn't have any classes until the evenings."

"So she's letting you use it?" Simon seemed relieved, but doubt filled his voice.

"Aedon and I use it to practice all the time. My aunt trusts us enough and gave us keys."


"Sadie Jane, did you take us to get some drinks?" Simon pulled over to park the car on the downtown street. To the right was a bar that was put in a few years ago. The usually busy place seemed like a ghost town in comparison, due to it being shortly after 2.

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